Neighbourhood Safer Places - Bushfire Places of Last Resort in Cardinia Shire
What are they?
A Neighbourhood Safer Place – Bushfire Place of Last Resort (NSP-BPLR) is an identified building or space that offers a place of last resort during a bushfire for the local community.
Cardinia Shire has 3 NSP-BPLRs are reviewed annually.
Going to a NSP-BPLR should not be your primary bushfire survival plan.
When you might use a Bushfire Place of Last Resort
A NSP-BLPR may be used as a last resort when:
- it is too late to leave and no other options are available to ensure your personal safety
- there is imminent threat of bushfire and you have no plan, or
- your plan is not possible to carry out.
You need a bushfire plan
Neighbourhood Safer Places - Bushfire places of last resort are not meant to replace a personal bushfire survival plan. Everyone should have one of these. For more information on making a bushfire plan go to the CFA website. You should not include a Neighbourhood Safer Place - Bushfire place of last resort as your primary option in your bushfire survival plan.
A NSP-BLPR may offer some protection from radiant heat. However, the degree of safety it offers is dependent on a range of factors including the intensity of the bushfire and whether you can reach the NSP-BLPR safely. For these reasons, NSP-BLPR's cannot be guaranteed to be completely safe.
Leave early rather than use a NSP-BPLR
In the event of a bushfire you are always best to leave early. If you leave early, you should not go to a NSP-BLPR.
On hot, dry and windy days, especially on Extreme and Catastrophic Fire Rating declared days or when there is advice to leave early, you should relocate to an area of lower risk either the night before or early in the morning. Go to the CFA website for information on leaving early.
Locations of NSP-BPLR in Cardinia Shire
Suburb | Location | Address |
Cockatoo | Cockatoo Community Centre |
Alma Treloar Reserve, Healesville-Koo Wee Rup Road, Cockatoo
Emerald |
Worrell Reserve
402 Belgrave-Gembrook Road, Emerald |
Gembrook | Gembrook Community Centre (carpark) |
Cnr Beenak East Road and Gembrook Road (entry off Gembrook Road), Gembrook |
More info
For more information on BLPRs in Cardinia Shire contact the Emergency Management Team on 1300 787 624 or