- Green wedges
- Environmentally Sustainable Design
- Advertised planning applications
- Request a meeting before applying for a planning permit
- Do I need a planning permit?
- Planning permits for a Place of Worship
- Pakenham East
- Submit development engineering plans
- Growth area plans
- Our major projects
- Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP)
- Removing trees (vegetation)
- Planning scheme amendments
- Get my title or property certificate
- Building envelope
- Cardinia Planning Scheme
- Town planning committee meetings
- Bushfire prone areas and Bushfire Attack Levels (BALs)
- Apply for a land information certificate
- Glismann Road development
- Replacement planting
- Apply to display community event advertising signs
- View township strategies
- Officer town centre
- Railway towns
- Tree dispute with a neighbour
- Download standard drawings
- Amend a planning permit or apply for secondary consent
- Extend the expiry of a planning permit
- Social planning and demographics
- How we review planning permit applications
- Applying to remove vegetation (trees and other plants)
- Locate land zoned for business use in Cardinia Shire
- Get a permit for a septic system
- View landscaping guidelines for developers
- Do I need a waste management plan?
- Planning terminology explained
- Waste management plans
- Removing vegetation (trees and other plants) from your property
- Landscaping guidelines for developers
- Find zones, overlays and strategic planning documents for a property
- Object to an advertised planning permit application
- ePlanning portal
- Township strategies
- Building in a bushfire prone area
- History of the Cardinia Western Port Green Wedge
- Development Contribution Plans (DCPs)