Information on ageing well

  • This page has information to help people in Cardinia Shire to age well, including news, events and support available.   
  • Don't miss our Ageing Well newsletter. You can pick up a copy from many locations around the shire, read it online or sign up to have it emailed to you. 
  • If you have any questions please contact our Ageing Well Facilitator on 1300 787 624 or email

Visit our Ageing Well homepage for all information

Council hosts, facilitates and supports many events and activities for people aged 55+ years, including for example:

  • Participating in the annual Seniors Festival with local free and low cost events for all our senior Cardinia Shire community to enjoy.
  • Hosting the Cardinia Shire Ageing Well Expo in 2024.
  • Promoting the Forget Me Not Cafe dementia-friendly café sessions in Koo Wee Rup and Pakenham, for carers and their loved ones living with dementia to enjoy regular social activity, within a supportive and understanding environment.
  • And so much more!

We regularly update our website with details on current and past events, and there are also local events hosted and promoted by the What's On Cardinia, Cardinia Cultural Centre, Myli Libraries, and local community centres. 

Ageing Well events and activities

What's On Cardinia promoted events Cardinia Cultural Centre shows and exhibitions Myli Libraries Events Calendar

Read electronic copies of our Ageing Well Newsletter, including large print format, and subscribe to receive future editions on a quarterly basis directly to your email inbox:

Read the latest edition here  Read past editions here  Subscribe to the enewsletter

Request to get the newsletter sent to you

If you would like to request a printed copy of the Ageing Well newsletter to be posted to yourself or a friend, email us at or call our Customer Service team on 1300 787 624. We will also add you to the mailing list.

Grab a printed copy from a location near you

Pick up a copy of your Ageing Well Newsletter from the following locations.

  • Cardinia Shire Council Civic Centre, 20 Siding Ave, Officer
  • Cardinia Cultural Centre, 40 Lakeside Boulevard, Pakenham
  • Cardinia Life, 4 Olympic Way, Pakenham
  • MyLi Libraries:
    • Emerald Library, 400A Belgrave-Gembrook Rd, Emerald
    • Pakenham Library, Cnr John St &, Henry St, Pakenham
  • MyLi Mobile Library:
    • Beaconsfield Community Complex, O’Neil Rd, Beaconsfield 12pm–7pm (Wed)
    • Bunyip, Main St 9:30am–1:45pm (Sat)
    • Bunyip Primary School, 10:45am–12:15pm (Mon)
    • Cockatoo Bowling Club, 2:15–6pm (Thur)
    • Garfield, Ritchie St 12:30–3:15pm (Mon)
    • Gembrook Community Complex, Gembrook Pakenham Rd 2:30–5:30pm (Tues)
    • Koo Wee Rup, V/Line Bus interchange 2:15–5:30pm (Fri)
    • Lang Lang Primary School, 11am–1:45pm (Fri)
    • Maryknoll, Koolbirra Rd 12:30–1:30pm (Thur)
    • Nar Nar Goon Primary School, 11am–12pm (Thur)
    • Tynong, Railway Ave 3:30–5:30pm (Tues)
    • Upper Beaconsfield, Charing Cross Reserve 10:45am–1:30pm (Tues)
  • Beaconsfield Community Complex, 8 O’Neil Rd Beaconsfield
  • Cardinia U3A, Cnr John St &, Henry St, Pakenham
  • Cockatoo Community House, 23 Bailey Rd Cockatoo
  • Emerald Community House, 356–8 Belgrave-Gembrook Road, Emerald
  • Emerald Senior Citizens, Cnr Anne and Church streets, Emerald
  • Kooweerup Regional Health, Reception, 235 Rossiter Rd, Koo Wee Rup
  • Lang Lang Community Centre, 7 Westernport Rd, Lang Lang
  • Moy-Yan Neighbourhood House, Beswick Street, Garfield
  • Outlook Community Centre, 24 Toomuc Valley Rd, Pakenham
  • Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre, 10-12 Salisbury Rd, Beaconsfield Upper

There are many local resources, groups and services that can support Seniors.

Visit our Cardinia Support website to help you find information such as:

  • Seniors groups
  • Support services
  • Social groups
  • Seniors resources
  • Aged care services and facilities. 

Open Cardinia Support

Liveup is a free online healthy ageing guide. Funded by the Australian Government.

Stay active, healthy, and independent with LiveUp! Explore free resources like:

  • exercise classes
  • assistive product suggestions to make everyday tasks easier, and
  • local social groups.

Take a simple quiz for personalised advice tailored just for you.


Making Choices, Finding Solutions guide into other languages, including plain English

More info

Learn about activities and support in the community by visiting Liveup.

Council does not provide personal alarms.

Funded personal alarms

If you are over 65, you may be eligible for a subsidised personal alarm. To enquire about this you can: 

  • contact Mecwacare for an assessment on 5945 0800
  • speak to a community health nurse or occupational therapist 

If you are under 65, contact Monash Health on 1300 342 273

Unfunded personal alarms

Many private providers offer medical monitoring services which you need to pay for.  

In 2023, we hosted free information sessions on planning for a great retirement. Watch Estelle Kelly's presentation on retirement below.


Ageing Well Strategy

  • Council has adopted the Ageing Well Strategy 2019-25.
  • The strategy sets Council’s priorities over the next 5 years to support older residents to be healthy, active, stay socially connected and participate fully in the community. 
  • It was informed and developed through extensive consultation with older residents and the broader community along with community groups, service providers and state and federal government agencies. |

Read the Ageing Well Strategy and Action Plan 2019-25

Age Friendly City

  • Cardinia Shire is proud to be an Age Friendly City, recognised by the World Health Organisation.
  • An age-friendly city encourages active ageing by giving people opportunities to enjoy good health, participate in their community and feel secure and safe as they age. In practical terms, an age-friendly city adapts its structures and services to be accessible to and inclusive of older people with varying needs and capacities.

More info: World Health Organisation Age Friendly World website

Age Friendly Alliance Team

The Age Friendly Alliance Team was formed in 2017 to assist Council with its vision to create an age-friendly shire. 

An age-friendly shire enables older people to live in security, maintain their health and participate fully in society. 


  • To provide a mechanism for Cardinia Shire Council to consult with community representatives around issues related to Ageing Well in Cardinia Shire 
  • Guides and informs Council on the implementation of the Cardinia Shire Ageing Well Strategy and Action Plan. 


  • To represent the needs of Cardinia Shire residents aged 55 years and over   
  • Provide a platform for older residents to have a voice and present their views to improve the health and wellbeing of older residents   
  • Provide insights and advice based on their own knowledge and experiences as older members of their various communities 
  • Act as Ambassadors for Ageing Well by actively promoting information, activities and issues relating to ageing in Cardinia Shire 
  • Assist Council with its vision to create an Age Friendly Cardinia Shire 
  • Be actively involved in the delivery of projects, as they relate to the work of Council’s Ageing Well team 
  • Assists with the development and distribution of the Ageing Well newsletter

For any questions about services, events and activities for seniors:

Contact our Ageing Well Facilitator
Ph: 1300 787 624