Billardiera scandens var. scandens|Common Apple-berry, Apple Dumpling

Cardinia indigenous plant guide

Twining climber with brown stems remaining in lower shrub level.
Size (W x H)
Light twiner
Narrow elliptic soft green leaves, downy especially when new, edges wavy, 18-70mm x 3-18mm..
Single bell-shaped flowers to 25mm. Fruit is an edible, light green berry.
Flower colour
Flower time
June to January
Growing conditions
Well drained dry to moist soils, common in forests. Frost and snow tolerant. Full sun, dappled and semi shade.
Commonly used for
Delightful light climber for growing under established trees. Useful for low trellis.
Available at indigenous nursery
Attracts birds
Photo gallery
Thank you to Shire of Yarra Ranges for assistance in compiling this directory