Our budget and Council Plan

  • The Council Plan sets out a medium to long-term vision for how we will respond to community needs and the opportunities and challenges facing Cardinia Shire. 
  • Council adopted its 2022–26 budget following community consultation in early 2022.
  • Each year, we develop a budget that works towards meeting the actions as outlined in the Council Plan for that year.
  • Council's annual draft budget 2024–25 is open for community comment on the Creating Cardinia website from Tuesday 16 April until 5pm, Friday 17 May 2024

View and comment on the draft budget 2024-25

  • Council adopted its 2024–25 Budget at the Council Meeting on Monday 17 June 2024. 
  • The 2024–25 budget strives to balance Council’s response to financial challenges while prioritising existing services and infrastructure and delivering a range of projects to help achieve the community’s vision.
  • The 2024-25 budget aligns with Cardinia Shire’s Council Plan 2021–25 and Community Vision to deliver on the community’s aspirations.
  • Council thanks the community for their feedback on the budget, which was available for public viewing and comment from 16 April until 17 May.

View the 2024-25 budget

View the 2022-26 budget

Council's revenue and rating plan for 2021–25 was adopted at the Council meeting on Monday 21 June 2021.  

View the 2021–25 revenue and rating plan

Council's financial plan for 2021–31 was adopted at the Council meeting on Monday 21 June 2021.  

View the 2021–31 financial plan

  • The new Council Plan was adopted at the Council meeting on Monday 21 June 2021.  
  • The Council Plan is an exciting 4-year strategy that sets the agenda for this council term. It will guide our response to long-term challenges and opportunities.
  • Input and contributions from the community via the 'Imagine Cardinia' community engagement process helped shape the community vision, which in turn guided the Council Plan's development. We received more than 1600 contributions during the consultation period. Thank you to everyone who took part! 

View the Council Plan 2021–25 and Community Vision 2040

View our previous council plans and action plans