No burning off in the Fire Danger Period
- We are now in the Fire Danger Period (FDP) for the 2024-25 fire season. The FDP started on Monday 9 December 2024.
- During the declared Fire Danger Period we will not issue a permit to burn. If you need a permit for an essential burn, you'll need to apply for a permit from the CFA (Schedule 13 permit - PERMIT TO BURN BY A PRIVATE PERSON). If you don't get a permit, you could be breaking the law and may be prosecuted.
- To apply for a permit visit the Fire Permits Victoria website
CFA - restrictions during the Fire Danger Period CFA - Fire Danger Period permits
Alternatives to burning off
Here are some good ways to get rid of green waste. Opt for these if you can, rather than burning off.
- Book a hard waste collection
- Use your food and garden waste kerbside bin - you can order one here if you don't have one. It's collected every 2 weeks.
- Drop it at one of our free green waste drop-off days.
Some privately run tips, transfer stations and waste facilities will take your green waste for a fee.
Total Fire Ban days
- The CFA can declare a Total Fire Ban Day at any time during the year.
- No fires are to be lit in the open air on Total Fire Ban Days unless you have a special permit.
- To check if it's a Total Fire Ban Day, visit the CFA website. Note: Cardinia Shire is in the Central District.
CFA - Check if it's a Total Fire Ban day in the Central District
Report illegal burning off during the Fire Danger Period
As we are now in the Fire Danger Period, burning off is strictly not allowed and is a matter for Victoria Police.
- Please report burning off to Victoria Police. Find contact details for your local police station on the Victoria Police website
- If the burnoff is creating a risk to life or property, call 000 for fire brigade attendance.
- For the rules you need to follow during the Fire Danger Period go to the CFA website