
Common weeds

Scientific name
Rubus fruticosus spp. agg.
Vigorous scrambling shrub covered in thorns, spreading by arching canes from a root crown. Plants are dormant and semi-deciduous during winter. Canes ridged or round.
Weed category
Weed of national significance. Regionally controlled
How to indentify
Dark green toothed leaves, paler below, on short prickly stalks. Flowers in white clusters near ends of canes. Green berry ripening to black Dec-Apr.
How it spreads
  • Birds
  • Foxes
  • Root suckers
  • Soil   
Suggested plant replacement
Removal methods
Plant specific removal methods

Treat when actively growing. Hand weed small infestations. Slashing will stimulate new cane growth and needs to be followed up with spraying. Blackberry Leaf Rust has been released as a biological control.

Plant with brown woody steams and clusters of green leaves  Plant withdark red and black berries surround by stalks with spikes and green leaves

Thank you to Shire of Yarra Ranges for assistance in compiling this directory
Information supplied on this website is intended as a guide only. While all due care has been taken, Cardinia Shire Council accepts no responsibility for the use of the information or for any errors or omissions.