Cardinia Jobs & Skills Showcase

  • Date: 19 June 2024
  • Location: Cardinia Cultural Centre, Lakeside Pakenham, Pakenham and Emerald Libraries
  • Time: 10.00–1.00am
  • Cost: FREE

The Cardinia Shire Council, together with Local Jobs - South Eastern Melbourne and Peninsula, Star News Group and Chisholm Skills & Jobs Centre would like to invite you to attend this year's Cardina J

The Cardinia Skills and Jobs Showcase will be held on Thursday 20 June 2024 at the Cardinia Cultural Centre Lakeview Room from 10am-1pm.



Talk to local employers about current vacancies and career pathways. Learn more about funded courses. Find out about the support services available.


Network with a wide range of industries. Speak with experts about what it is like to work in their field.


Register for one or all four workshops and learn and develop your skills in;

* CV and cover letter writing - Crafting your first resume and cover letter can be intimidating. Join us to discover tips for creating impressive documents that kickstart your career journey.

* Interview techniques - After perfecting your resume, cover letter, and attire, how do you stand out in the interview? Let's strategize on showcasing your skills confidently to the panel!

* Skills development and further training - Feeling stuck in your job hunt or career advancement? Break the cycle with continuous learning. Invest in yourself, enhance skills, and unlock opportunities for your dream job. Let's pave the way together.

* Networking and job search strategies - Join us to unlock networking's power and effective job search strategies, increasing employment odds. Access insider tips for expanding connections, finding opportunities, and career guidance. Cultivate meaningful relationships for exciting new prospects. Let's enhance our networks together!

  • Food is available for purchase at Chimes Eatery located in the Cardinia Cultural Centre