Information session for Community Capital Works and Major Equipment Grants

  • Date: 29 October 2018
  • Location: Cardinia Shire Council Civic Centre , 20 Siding Avenue, Officer
  • Time: 7.00am
  • Cost: Free

Attend one of our sessions to find out about the 2019-20 Community Capital Works Grants. Get info on grant eligibility, conditions, processes and timelines.

Members of community organisations who are interested in applying for the 2019–20 Community Capital Works Grant round are encouraged to come to an information session.

Please bring along your project ideas to discuss specific requirements with Council staff.

To register for this session: go to the Try Booking website 

Cardinia Shire Council's Community Capital Works Grants offer dollar-for-dollar funding up to $35,000 for building works to help community groups to improve community and recreational facilities in Cardinia Shire. Projects under this program may include building extensions and refurbishments, improved access for all abilities or energy efficiency upgrades. Past projects have included upgraded play spaces, refurbished bathrooms and kitchens, new air-conditioning, built in storage, shed construction, installation of water tanks and solar power.

The Major Equipment grants offer dollar-for-dollar funding up to $20,000 to help recreation reserve committees of management purchase equipment to maintain reserve playing surfaces, without the need to engage contractors.

For more information visit the Community Capital Works Grants webpage or contact the Community Places Officer on 1300 787 624