National Tree Day event

  • Date: 27 July 2019
  • Location: Pepi's Land, Emerald
  • Time: 10.00am–1.00pm
  • Cost: Free

Council, in partnership with John Hills Landcare are celebrating National Tree Day with an event at Pepis Land Reserve.

Parking is at the Pepis Land Reserve car park on Beaconsfield – Emerald Road, follow the signage to the planting site. A gourmet breakfast will be provided by Johns Hill Landcare at 10am prior to the planting. RSVP is essential for catering via the web link: Registration for National tree day planting

Please bring sturdy footwear, gloves and appropriate clothing for planting, being considerate of the weather on the day.

The planting will continue over 10 years of revegetation work to enhance the local creek corridor and attract birds such as lyrebirds into the reserve.