Greening Cardinia Program
Key points
The Greening Cardinia program seeks to improve biodiversity on private and public land, and conserve habitat for threatened species. All works and projects must be within Cardinia Shire.
There are three categories available:
- Weed control grants (Category 1) - applications are now closed
- Indigenous plant giveaway (Category 2) - applications are now closed
- Biodiversity incentive community group grants (Category 3) - applications now closed.
Category 1: Weed Control Grant - now closed
The grant helps landowners and community groups control noxious and environmental* weeds on property located in areas of high environmental value.
*Noxious weeds and environmental weeds:
Noxious weeds are weeds that are declared under the Catchment and Land Protections Act 1994 and can cause issues in both natural and agricultural areas. You can find more information about listed noxious weeds on the Agriculture Victoria website
Environmental weeds are weeds that are not listed as noxious under Victorian Government legislation but still cause issues in natural areas. You can find a list of local environmental weeds on Council’s website.
Landowners on properties over 4,000m2 and community groups* may apply for up to a maximum of $1,500 (inc. GST)
*Community groups:
Community groups may include: Landcare and ‘Friends of' groups, or larger community and neighbourhood projects.
Only one grant is available per applicant (even if you own several properties).
Eligibility criteria
Applications must be for works that control high-impact weeds (noxious and/or environmental weeds) in areas of high biodiversity value, such as properties that:
- are located within a biolink corridor.
- have a bushland/natural reserve on their boundary or in close proximity
- are a bushland/natural reserve (this is applicable for Landcare and Friend’s of groups)
Activities that are eligible include:
- weed control works that control high-impact weeds in areas of high biodiversity (in or near bushland, in biolink corridors/nodes)
- purchasing herbicide* (up to a maximum of $750 per grant)
- disposing of weed material, i.e., tip passes or skip hire
- the hiring of equipment, for example, mulchers
- hiring contractors - please refer to conditions below
Activities that will NOT be funded include, but are not limited to:
- weed control conducted in areas not considered to be a high biodiversity value area
- weed control that does not control high-impact weeds
- work that is for amenity purposes, e.g. lawn mowing, general garden maintenance. pasture improvement
- purchase of weed control tools/equipment eg: spray tanks, hand tools etc
Weed control needs to take place in this financial year. Receipts that are submitted for reimbursement must be dated in the current financial year. If your receipts do not meet the criteria and are for a different activity than what was approved funding will not be provided.
Receipts and progress report/payment request forms must be submitted via SmartyGrants in order to be reimbursed by Council.
Council may choose to audit grant applications to ensure compliance with the requirements of each individual grant program.
Hiring a contractor
- Applicants can employ a contractor; however, a maximum of 50% of the cost of the contractor’s labour will be met by Council (up to a maximum of $1,500) e.g.: If your contractor costs come in at $1,000 and you DO NOT meet the special circumstances, Council will only reimburse you $500.
- If you meet the special circumstance requirements, 75% of contractor costs may be paid (up to a maximum of $1,500) eg: if your contractor costs come in at $1000 and you meet the special circumstances, Council may reimburse you $750 (subject to proof of special circumstances)
- An applicant can apply for special circumstances if they hold a disability card, pensioner concession or health care card. A copy of the relevant card must be included in your application.
- Council’s preference is for a licenced contractor to be engaged to undertake these works
*Purchase of herbicide
- The herbicide that is purchased must be appropriate for the weeds that are to be treated.
- To check details on which herbicide to use for the weeds you want to remove/treat, please refer to the Chemical Registration Information portal
How to apply
Applications are now closed for 2024-25.
The application process is a two-step process.
- Fill in details about the property where you are controlling weeds, what weed species you will control and how you will control them. You will also be asked to provide a photo of the area where you will do the weed control. Once you have submitted this information, your application will be assessed. You will be notified within 2 weeks if your application can proceed to step 2.
- If your application progresses to the next step, you can complete the weed control work. Once the work is complete, you will need to submit final details, including a photo of the area where weed control was done and a receipt for the work/purchase.
Once the final details have been submitted, Council will assess again for reimbursement.
Need help?
Please contact Council's Land Management Officer on 1300 787 624
Category 2: Indigenous plant giveaway - now closed
The aim of this program is to support residents, landowners, schools, kindergartens and community groups to use indigenous plants in and around their property.
Voucher amounts
- Small property vouchers ($50) were available to residents and landowners on properties less than 4,000m2 (< one acre).
- Large property vouchers ($125) were available to landowners with properties greater than 4,000m2 (> one acre), schools, kindergartens and community groups.
Vouchers enabled for a selection of indigenous trees, shrubs and grasses such as tube stock.
- Vouchers can only be used for the purchase of indigenous plants.
- Indigenous plant species on offer will depend on what is available at CEC and FOHH Nursery when the voucher is redeemed.
- Where plants are planted on roadsides or on land not owned by the applicant, you must get written permission from Council or the landowner before planting. This permission MUST be included in your application.
- Plant crates and tubes must be returned to the nursery for reuse.
- Vouchers are strictly limited. Once allocated funds have been exhausted, applications will close.
- Applicants must supply labor for site preparation, planting, weed control, and ongoing maintenance of the site.
Plants are to be collected from:
Cardinia Environment Coalition Indigenous Plant Nursery
CEC Nursery Cardinia Environment Coalition (
Deep Creek Reserve, end of Cameron Way, Pakenham
Open Friday 9am-12pm
Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater Indigenous Plant Nursery
Indigenous Plant Nursery - Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater Inc
1217 Macclesfield Road, Yellingbo
Opening days and times:
• 9:00am 3:00pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
• 9:00am 12:00pm 1st Saturday of the month (April-December).
Proof of residency is required.
If you are unable to attend the nursery during retail hours, please email the nurseries with your voucher and phone number and staff can provide information to help you select the most appropriate plants for your garden.
Applications for 2024-25 program are now closed.
Contact our Environment and Heritage team on 1300 787 624.
Category 3: Biodiversity Incentive Community Group grant
This grant provided ‘Friends of’ groups, Landcare and other community groups with funding and support to undertake large-scale biodiversity projects that will protect and enhance indigenous species within Cardinia Shire.
Applications have now closed.
Eligibility criteria
- ‘Friends of’ groups, Landcare groups and incorporated community groups
- Projects must link to one of the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy objectives (listed on page 7 of the strategy)
- Projects must be completed within this financial year and all necessary evidence submitted by Monday 16 June 2025
Priority will be given to projects that:
- enhance the natural environment on public or private land with activities such as revegetation, weed and animal control or vegetation protection fencing
- are located in or have connectivity to areas mapped by the Cardinia Shire Biolink Plan .
- support threatened species
- support opportunities for volunteerism for Friends groups and Landcare groups
- collaborate with multiple community stakeholders
- aim to enhance biodiversity on a large scale
Land not managed by Council
If the project is on land that Council does not own, you must get permission from the relevant land manager, for example VicRoads, VicTrack or the Crown Land Department, and submit this approval with your application.
If the necessary authorisations are not provided with your application, your application be unable to be submitted.
How to apply?
Applications have now closed.
Fill in the application form with as much detail as possible, including photos, relevant quote, letters of support and authority to undertake works and any other documentation that will assist us assess your applicaiton.
Applicants will be advisd of the assessment outcome by end of September 2024.
Need help?
If you need assistance filling out your application or would like more information please contact our Environment and Heritage team on 1300 787 624.