School programs on sustainability and the environment
- This page has information on environmental and sustainability programs and resources for schools and early learning centres in Cardinia Shire.
- It includes a number of free and paid incursions and excursions, programs and lesson plans.
Free incursions and excursions
Waste incursions
- A new range of free waste incursions are now available for 4 year old kindergartens and schools. Visit our incursion provider's webpage to find out more and submit an expression of interest.
Environment excursion
- The Gould League is an independent not-for-profit organisation in Victoria delivering enviornment and sustainability education
- The Peri-Urban Weed Management Partnership (which is funded by the Victorian Government) has funded the Gould League to offer Victorian Government curriculum based excursions for Years 1-8 in the Beaconsfield Flora and Fauna reserve.
- Topics covered: living connections in Cardinia, natural links in Cardinia, water in the world and place, space and interconnection of the reserve and wetlands
- Schools can book directly with the Gould League
Paid incursions and excursions
Visit these websites for more information.
- Puffing Billy Education Programs
- CERES - Primary learning and Secondary learning
- Gould League
- Myuna Farm
Environment excursions
- PrimeSci is Swinburne University of Technology's science partner for Victotrian schools
- Council and PrimeSci have joined together to offer a range of F-Year 10 excursion program at Deep Creek Reserve in Pakenham.
- The programs are based around the themes of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathmatics), environment and sustainability.
For more information and bookings contact PrimSci.
Free programs
Garbage Guts Education
We are supporting a limited number of local pre-school and primary schools with subscriptions to Garbage Guts Education.
Garbage Guts Education is a program that teaches pre-school and primary school aged children to put their waste in the right bins, through a series of short animated videos featuring waste munching monsters.
To register your school's interest, go to the Garbage Guts in Cardinia website
ResourceSmart Schools
A free, award-winning program offered by Sustainability Victoria to help schools embed sustainable practices, saving resources and money for the school.
More info: Sustainability Victoria
Clean up Australia
- Inspiring students to learn about the impact of rubbish on their local environment while playing an active role in the community.
- Offers free resources including gloves and bags for litter collection clean-up events.
- Council can assist by disposing of litter you collect. Email the Waste Team at at least 2 weeks before your clean up event.
More info and to register your event: Clean up Australia
- Schools and kindergartens can become collection points for items that are usually not recyclable or are hard to recycle.
- A range of free collections are available, and some will reward sites for their efforts.
More info: Terracycle
Planet Ark
A range of programs and resources, including printer cartridge recycling, Schools Tree Day and National Recycling Week.
More info: Planet Ark
Free downloadables
Free lesson plans
Gardens for wildlife - lesson plans
Council has worked with the Gould League to develop a set of Victorian Curriculum based lesson plans and factsheets suitable for level 3 and 4 as a resource for teachers
Thousands of free curriculum-linked resources and lessons plans on a huge range of sustainability topics.