Request planning documents, advice or information in writing

We can provide you with planning information or advice in writing, or copies of planning documents.

This includes:

  • a written response stating whether a planning permit is required for a proposed development and/or use.
  • a Certificate of Compliance stating that an existing or proposed use or development complies with the requirements of the planning scheme at the date of certificate.
  • copies of planning permits and/or endorsed plans (to obtain copies of endorsed plans you must be the current property owner, original applicant or draftsperson).
  • planning advice in writing and responses to other planning enquiries, such as requests to Build Outside of a Building Envelope.
  • a response to a request to amend or end a Section 173 Agreement.
  • to view a copy of a Planning Permit, an appointment must be made with a Planning Officer and the application number provided. To organise a time to view a Planning Permit please call 1300 787 624.

Please submit all relevant plans, documents and information to avoid any delays to your request. We will contact you if we require further information. We have minimum information requirements for certain types of applications:

  • For requests for a written response as to whether a planning permit is required for a proposed development and/or use: Please provide recent copies of title documents (including any restrictions), relevant plans and drawings, and an overview of the proposal.
  • For requests to Build Outside of a Building Envelope: Please provide recent copies of title documents (including any restrictions), relevant plans and drawings, and an overview of the proposal. Before applying, please also ensure your building envelope restriction allows you to request consent from Council to build outside of it (not all restrictions allow you to)

Please refer to our current fee schedule: Planning Permit and Subdivision Fees | Cardinia Shire Council

  • The quickest and easiest way to get the information or documents you need is to use our online ePlanning Portal. 
  • Once you have registered for the ePlanning Portal (which doesn't take long), click on the ‘Make an Enquiry' tab. You can then lodge your application, upload documents and pay the fee online.

Request planning documents, advice or information in writing

 Apply - ePlanning Portal

Request to build outside the building envelope

Apply - online form

We offer a pre-application meeting service to provide feedback and help applicants prepare for a planning permit application.

Go to our Pre-application service page