Preparing for floods and storms

If you were affected by the storm events of 2021, visit our storm recovery webpage 

Residential and business properties can be impacted in severe storms or floods. To find out if your property is at risk visit the VICSES website and click on 'Local Flood guides'. 

Prepare for potential flooding 

  • Create a written plan – download a plan template from the VICSES website
  • Connect with your neighbours – being connected to members of your community will help you and your neighbours get through emergencies with more resilience.
  • Check your insurance is adequate – reduce stress by ensuring you have enough insurance to recover after a flood or other natural disaster.
  • Pack an evacuation kit – in a severe flood, your home may be damaged and access may be restricted; pack a kit of essentials, including clothing and medication.


There are simple and practical steps you can take to protect yourself, the people you love, and the things you value most. Do one simple thing – create an emergency plan using the Australian Red Cross' RediPlan or Get Prepared app.

For information on preparing your property for flooding events visit the VICSES and  Red Cross website


It’s not just homes that can be affected by flooding. If your business close to a river, creek, major storm drain or in a low-lying area, then you may be at risk.

For information on preparing your business for flooding events visit the VICSES website

Bushfires can have long-lasting impacts on the natural environment, increasing the dangers from floods and storms, and the chance of landslides. For information please the flood, storms and landslides after bushfire factsheet or visit the VICSES website

If you notice considerable changes to the landscape that may indicate movement, contact the landowner, road authority or Council immediately. For emergency assistance from VICSES, call 132 500 or Triple Zero (000) in life threatening emergencies.  

What to do in the event of a landslide 

You need to act quickly if a landslide occurs:  

  • If you are outside: Move away quickly and keep clear of embankments, trees, powerlines and poles.  
  • If you are inside: Move to the part of the building that is furthest away from the approaching landslide and take shelter under a table or bench. 
  • Stay away from the landslide: The slope may continue to move for hours to days afterwards.

VICSES - Flood guides

The link above will take you to information including: 

  • Cardinia Shire's flood history
  • Flood guides for Koo Wee Rup and Pakenham
  • Council's Municipal Emergency Storm and Flood Plan 
  • Locations of SES units in Cardinia Shire

The Victoria State Emergency Service is the control agency for flood, storm, landslide, tsunami and earthquake emergencies. For a guide to understand when, why and how to call the SES for assistance please see the VICSES Factsheet or visit the VICSES website. 

In regard to damage to trees during a storm event please visit Council's Report a problem with a tree page. 

If you want to get sandbags to protect your property, visit your local hardware store. In an emergency contact VICSES on 132 500

For instructions on how to fill a sandbag visit the VICSES website

Municipal Plans

Dam safety

Privately owned dams that have some risk if they fail, must be licensed by a water corporation.

More info: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website

We do these things to prepare:

  • Conduct routine maintenance and actively monitoring Council drainage systems and infrastructure.
  • Do tree inspections
  • Meet with VICSES, Local VICSES Units, Melbourne Water and Victoria Police to discuss readiness arrangements
  • Develop community information signs encouraging residents to prepare for emergencies.