Community centres and neighbourhood houses

Neighbourhood houses and community centres are not-for-profit, incorporated, community organisations managed by volunteers through a committee of management. 

They provide a range of services, information, and resources for their local community. This includes children’s services, cultural, social, health and wellbeing activities, training delivery, and public internet access. 

Course and program costs are kept as low as possible to encourage community participation. 

We support neighbourhood houses by:

  • providing a council building or rental assistance
  • providing annual financial assistance 
  • providing statistics and demographical data to help neighbourhood houses to identify changing needs in the local community and address them
  • supporting local community initiatives
  • helping source training opportunities for the committees of management and volunteers.

Our Neighbourhood House policy provides more details about the partnership between us and local neighbourhood houses and the support that we provide.

More info on Cardinia Shire’s neighbourhood houses and community centres can be found on the online directory 

Beaconsfield Neighbourhood Centre

Cockatoo Community House

Lang Lang Community Centre 

Living Learning Pakenham 

Moy-Yan Neighbourhood House

Outlook Community Centre

Upper Beaconsfield Community Centre