If English is not your first language - translating and interpreting services

If you don't speak English or it is not your first language, to read Council information on this website or to talk to us here at Council, you can:  

  • We now have a free over-the-phone interpreting service for our non-English speaking customers. 
  • If you call the phone number next to any of the languages listed in the table below, you can hear pre-recorded information on a range of Council services in that language and in English. (You can also view the available languages and numbers in the picture below).  
  • Topics covered include: 
    • bins and recycling
    • kindergarten enrolment and registration
    • maternal and child health
    • libraries
    • rates and payment options.
  • You can also choose to be connected with an interpreter who will contact our friendly customer service staff for a three-way conversation.
Arabic 9492 8780
Chin Hakha 9492 8781
Mandarin 9492 8782
Dari 9492 8783
Filipino  9492 8784
Hindi 9492 8785
Italian  9492 8786
Punjabi 9492 8787
Sinhalese  9492 8788
Spanish  9492 8789
For all other languages  9492 8790 

See the table on this page

Use the links below to translate our website to your preferred language, using Google Translate. 

Select your language 

If you want to see the website in another language 

  1. Go to Google Translate
  2. In the text box on the left, type in the URL of the website you want to translate - so the URL for this website is https://www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/  - don't forget the http://
  3. On the right, choose the language you want to see the website in. 

Help improve Google's translations

If you see words on our website that are not translated correctly:

  1. Move your mouse over the incorrect words
  2. Click on "Contribute a better translation" 
  3. Click on the incorrectly translated words
  4. Type in your suggested changes
  5. Click "Contribute"
  6. Your changes will be sent to Google. 

Thank you! 

You can suggest a better translation by hovering your mouse over a phrase and clicking "Contribute a better solution"

If you don't speak English very well, you can download a Victorian Interpreter Card. 

Then come into our customer service centre at 20 Siding Avenue, Officer, show the card and tell our customer service staff which language you speak.

We will either find a staff member who speaks your language or call an interpreting service to help you talk to us. 

Download a Victorian Interpreter Card