Futureproofing Farming

As part of the VicHealth Local Government Partnership, Cardinia Shire Council and local industry partners are delivering the Futureproofing Farming project, which aims to connect local young people with jobs in the local agricultural and related sectors.

Futureproofing Farming supports a number of Cardinia Shire's priorities, particularly:

  • increasing employment of local people into local jobs, particularly in the agricultural sector
  • supporting our farmers and agricultural industry to adapt to the changing economy and climate, through a new workforce trained in contemporary farming and regenerative agriculture
  • enhancing food literacy of young people and their families
  • supporting the development of local policies to enhance health, social and economic environments
  • identifying innovative ways to value-add to the region's primary production
  • encouraging the procurement and consumption of local food

Through a series of co-design workshops involving young people, school staff, and representatives from the agriculture sector, we explored challenges, opportunities, and solutions related to agricultural careers.

Together, we identified the following solutions:

  1. Creating a toolkit or online resource hub for agricultural careers information.
  2. Fostering school-based partnerships with the agricultural sector.
  3. Raising community awareness about farming.

There are several projects that directly contribute to these recommendations, which Council has been working on recently, including:

  • To engage more young people in our local agricultural industry, Council worked with VicHealth, multidisciplinary artists, local farmers, and young people throughout 2024 to produce a mini-documentary and short video series and the insightful and visionary 'Grow' art exhibition.
  • Bringing together a range of resources into toolkits for agricultural employers as well as young people interested growing their experience and skill in the agricultural industry.
  • Collaborating with the involved local secondary schools and the agricultural sector to identify educational pathways and resources for hands-on learning. This commitment extends to working with Myli Pakenham, South East Local Learning and Employment Network (SELLEN), and Asuria Employment services to enhance parents' understanding of employment pathways in our primary industries.
  • In April 2024, Council made a submission to the Victorian Inquiry into the Food Supply System, contributing to broader advocacy about the need to protect our local farmland and this vital industry for current and future generations.

Futureproofing farming mini-documentary and short video series

Cardinia Shire is home to a thriving and diverse agricultural sector. Hear from some of our local farmers about the opportunities for employment, innovation, technology and lifestyle, and the impact that young people are having in the field. Giving a voice to local employers and young people working in the industry, this film series is also available now on our YouTube channel - CardiniaTV.

'Grow' art exhibition

Throughout August and September 2024, Cardinia Cultural Centre hosted a new exhibition entitled 'Grow' as part of the Futureproofing Farming project.

This exhibition celebrated our local farmers and young people with a vision for the future of farming, and was an important step forward in our partnership with VicHealth.

Featuring photographs, imaginative sculptures and models crafted by young artists across Cardinia Shire and capturing the triumphs, challenges and opportunities facing Cardinia Shire farmers, it also yielded a shared vision for a sustainable food future.

Artworks aligned with the theme 'Creating a sustainable, cutting-edge farming and food sector' and were submitted by primary and secondary school groups and young people participating in art workshops throughout the earlier part of 2024. The theme emphasised technological advancements and creative solutions to feed future generations amidst climate change and population growth.

For more information, see Past exhibitions | Grow Exhibition: A creative look at our food future on the Cardinia Cultural Centre website.

For enquiries, email livinghealthy@cardinia.vic.gov.au or call 1300 887 624.


Toolkits for employers and young people

For farmers and ag-related employers, this toolkit is a comprehensive resource for businesses of all sizes within Cardinia Shire’s agricultural sector. The toolkit highlights options for employers to engage a local workforce and in particular, young people, in agricultural-based hands-on activities and learning experiences, expanding the potential for training and work pathways. 

For young people interested in growing their experience and skill in local farming and agriculture this toolkit is a comprehensive resource for young people, their families and school community, to learn about Cardinia’s local agricultural sector and the opportunities for young people to learn, study or work locally.

Access the Futureproofing Farming toolkits here

For enquiries, email livinghealthy@cardinia.vic.gov.au or call 1300 887 624.

If you would like to get involved, please contact Council's Liveable Communities team at mail@cardinia.vic.gov.au

See Cardinia Shire’s Liveability Plan 2017-2029 and Community Food Strategy 2018-2026.

To learn more about the partnership with VicHealth visit the VicHealth website.