Community Safety

police sign

Learn more about community safety in Cardinia Shire, including:

  • Community Safety Framework
  • Community Safety Action Agenda
  • Home and property safety
  • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)


Safety is about being and feeling safe. Everyone deserves to feel safe at home, school, work or in a public place, so they can participate fully in community life.  

We understand that improving safety across the shire is a priority for our residents. We are committed to playing an important role in promoting community safety and supporting crime prevention activities at the local level. 

Through engagement with our community and partners we have developed the Community Safety Framework. This framework is intended to provide a comprehensive evidence-based framework for the way Council approaches community safety within the municipality to maximise impact. 

View the Community Safety Framework  

Our community safety programs are guided by the “Improved Safety” domain outlined in our Liveability Plan. Through extensive consultation with local communities and safety stakeholders, the council has endorsed Safety Action Agendas (SAA). Some of regular activities are:   

  1. Bi-monthly Safer Communities Partnership Committee meeting 
  2. Bi-monthly Coffee with Community   
  3. Fit to drive workshop  
  4. Wiser driver program  

Download the community safety factsheet 

The 9pm routine is a Victoria Police campaign supported by Cardinia Shire Council to remind residents to secure their property to prevent theft. 

Thieves are opportunistic and look for easy targets. You can make it more difficult for them by locking items away and keeping them out of sight; and locking doors and windows. 

The 9pm routine makes it a habit to: 

  • Collect valuables from your car. 
  • Lock your car. 
  • Lock your home (doors and windows). 
  • Lock your garage. 
  • Leave an outside light on. 

For home and property safety, visit 

If you see something, say something: 

In an emergency, call 000 (triple zero). 

For non-urgent matters, call 131 444 or report online to Victoria Police

If you have information that could help solve a crime, make an anonymous report to Crime Stoppers Victoria on 1800 333 000. 

Cardinia Shire Council recognises both direct and indirect crime can severely impact the quality of human life. The aims of CPTED principles to prevent crime and criminal offences by designing a physical environment in a way that generates positive impact on human behaviour.  

Download the CPTED Policy 

Victoria Police and Council work together to deploy the mobile CCTV units in different locations within the Cardinia Shire to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. These units aim to reduce crime and improve public perceptions of safety.  

 Council is strongly committed to improving the safety of our road network for all road users and pedestrians.

Find out more about our work to improve road safety in Cardinia Shire.

Download the Road Safety Strategy 2016-25 

 A prepared community is a safer community. Council works with emergency service organisations to develop programs that increase the readiness and preparedness of our communities to manage and recover from emergencies.

Find out more about preparing for an emergency.

Download the Municipal Emergency Management Plan