Community Food Strategy

The Community Food Strategy 2018–26 aims to establish a healthy, delicious, sustainable and fair food system for all residents of Cardinia Shire.

  • The strategy is the first of its kind for Cardinia Shire.
  • To help shape the strategy, extensive community consultation took place between February to September 2018.
  • It provides integrated strategic direction and action to focus and align all of Council's existing and future work across the food system.
  • It identifies the issues facing the municipality and sets out a plan for how we can work together as an organisation, and with the community, to ensure future generations have access to affordable, nutritious food. 

Download the Food Strategy

Achieving our vision

The following 5 strategies set the direction for achieving our vision of a healthy, delicious, sustainable and fair food system in Cardinia Shire.

Strategy 1:

Protecting and utilising fertile land as a source of fresh food for current and future generations.

Strategy 2:

Growing a vibrant local food economy which supports growers and enables people to access affordable, local and healthy food.

Strategy 3:

Enhancing food knowledge, skills and culture within schools, workplaces, clubs and the wider community.

Strategy 4:

Reducing and diverting food waste from landfill and reusing water to grow food.

Strategy 5:

Building capacity across the community to lead, participate in and support work on food systems

Together, we are working towards the outcomes

The Food Strategy brings people together to collaborate, in a structured way, to achieve social change.

  • An increase in advocacy for the community food system
  • New community-led policies, strategies and plans to support the community food system
  • New partnerships are established, and existing partnerships are strengthened to support the community food system
  • New public spaces are designed and built to support the community food system
  • An increased workforce capacity (including volunteers) to support the community food system
  • New and existing funding is aligned to community food system activities.

To get involved, Visit the Cardinia Food Movement website

Contact the Healthy Communities Coordinator on or 1300 787 624.