Health and social services

In Cardinia Shire we want local services and community groups to work together to ensure residents can access appropriate and affordable services and facilities, which promote and protect health and wellbeing throughout life.
Our objective
Increase access to services and social support close to home
We will do this by:
- attracting and supporting appropriate health and social services which fill identified service gaps.
- providing health and social services which are inclusive and accessible for all people.
- providing and developing leadership for prevention through partnerships and collaboration.
- enabling volunteering and community action which enhances health and wellbeing.
Our current initiatives
- Service attraction
- Community Leadership Program
- Community resilience projects
- Neighbourhood houses and community centres
- Community groups
- Libraries
- Community bus hire
- Supporting our multicultural communities
- Access and inclusion for people with disabilities
- Kindergartens
- Maternal and Child Health Services
- Youth Services
- Age Friendly City
- Immunisations
- Emergency relief and recovery