A Part Together Board Game
About the game
- The A Part Together board game was developed in Cardinia Shire. The shire is on the traditional lands of the Bunurong/Boon Wurrumg and Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging.
- The game was created by Victorian-based artist and writer, Jenni Ivins.
- This initiative was supported by a Cardinia Shire Council COVID-19 arts grant and the Star News Group.
- The game was designed to give families something fun to do during the COVID-19 lockdowns. It showcases the various townships in Cardinia Shire and what they have to offer.
- The game was created using drawings submitted by the community of items in their COVID-19 lockdown environment. It explores themes of food, health, adaptability, comfort, nature, activity and community.
- A Part Together won a Best Community Campaign Award from The Victorian Country Press Association. Comments from the judge are below:
A very different community campaign although the concept to connect a community through some challenging times is wonderful. The partnership between a local newspaper and its community is to be commended. To use a board game and playing cards for this connection was a terrific idea and the result quite beautiful. Well done.
How to play the game
- The board game is played on a printable map of Cardinia Shire. (See link below).
- Pile the GO-TO cards in Bunyip State Park, with the GO-TO side down.
- Each player puts a marker on a town (one marker per town = social distancing)
- Turn over the GO-TO card pile. Take the top one, keeping the GO-TO side upwards. Follow the instructions on the card.
- Count how many towns you go through to get there (if there is a marker already on the town you are sent to, stop at the town before it and don’t count it in your score)
- Take turns until everyone has collected seven cards.
- The person with the LOWEST score wins!
Part 2 of the game (extended version, optional)
After playing the board game, you can extend it so the aim is for each player to have cards from all 7 categories.
- Use the picture side of the GO-TO cards (don’t show the other players)
- Ask the player on your left, “Are you okay?” They tell you what category they need.
- Make a swap ONLY if you have a spare card in that category.
- Deduct one point from your previous score if you give them the card they need in return for one they choose to give you.
- If you cannot help, they pick up a card from the GO-TO pile then choose one of theirs to place under the pile and no one’s score will change for that turn.
- Help each other to interpret the picture and see how they might fit into a category.
- When everyone has what they need, compare the scores.
- The person with the LOWEST score wins!
About the artist
Jenni Ivins has been a creative for over 50 years, starting with her own independent experimentation from childhood. Jenni has 7 years of experience as a professional arts practitioner. Jenni is motivated by compulsion, curiosity and ideas, and is inspired to explore and resolve.
As an artist, Jenni mostly does intricate Mind Drawing which can be defined as 'a picture that can be read in more than one way, depending on which side of a line you look'. Jenni uses mind drawings to show people that we don’t all see the same thing when looking at the same drawing, opening conversations about the effect this can have on communication.
Jenni has also had a hand in many public art and community strengthening projects. As a writer, Jenni he has delved into various mediums such as poetry, children's, fantasy as well as copywriting. Creatives like Jenni are an asset to our local community.