Mayor and councillors
Key points
- The Victorian Electoral Commission has declared Cardinia Shire’s newly elected Councillors for the next council term 2024-2028.
- Cr Jack Kowarzik and Cr Alanna Pomeroy were elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor at the Statutory Council Meeting on Monday 25 November 2024.
- To view the full results of the Cardinia Shire Council election please visit Results | Victorian Electoral Commission
Your councillors
- Beacon Hills Ward: Cr Brett Owen
- Bunyip Ward: Deputy Mayor Cr Alanna Pomeroy
- Central Ward: Cr Collin Ross
- Henty Ward: Cr Liz Roberts
- Officer Ward: Cr Samantha-Jane Potter
- Pakenham Hills Ward: Mayor Cr Jack Kowarzik
- Ranges Ward: Cr David Nickell
- Toomuc Ward: Cr Casey Thomsen
- Westernport Ward: Cr Trudi Paton
Beacon Hills Ward: Cr Brett Owen
Having spent my entire life living in Cardinia Shire, I am passionate about our community. As a long term, current serving police officer and a father of three young children, I have an active interest in contributing to our community and ensuring that Cardinia Shire is a great, safe place to live and raise a family.
During my time on Council, I have established strong relationships with many community groups and residents, listened to their needs and advocated for a range of positive outcomes. I will continue to advocate for ongoing improvements to our unsealed roads and drainage, sealing of strategic connector roads along with improved path networks. I will prioritise emergency management, bushfire readiness, and provide support for environmental groups and programs.
Improvements to sporting facilities as well as playground upgrades and ensuring access and inclusion for all abilities will remain a priority. I will continue to be a strong advocate for responsible financial management and appropriate asset renewal.
I will continue to be an advocate for open and transparent local government and provide residents with a strong voice on Council.
Phone: 0418 993 370
Bunyip Ward: Deputy Mayor Cr Alanna Pomeroy
I’m proud to call Cardinia Shire home, where I’ve built strong connections through community involvement and raising my family. I love the unique character of our region and am passionate about preserving it while embracing the growth and opportunities ahead.
As a Councillor, I’m focused on advocating for safer roads, better infrastructure, and sustainable development that enhances liveability and respects our heritage. I believe in fostering a connected, inclusive community with accessible services and opportunities for everyone.
Becoming a Councillor was a way for me to amplify the voices of our residents and ensure their priorities guide our decisions. I’m committed to working collaboratively, promoting transparency, and delivering real outcomes that make a difference.
When I’m not working for our community, I enjoy spending time with my family, travelling and exploring Australia’s tracks and trails on bike or by foot.
Phone: 0436 353 194
Central Ward: Cr Collin Ross
I am a family man with four children and a mortgage and have lived and worked in Pakenham for over 20 years. As a returning Councillor and former Mayor and Deputy Mayor, I am excited to work with this new Council on a new Council Plan and establish a solid foundation for the next four years.
My main aim is to make rate increases affordable and meet the needs of our growing community. Other key priorities for me this term are ensuring affordable rates, community safety, reducing debt, improving bus services, increasing employment, supporting services for youth and seniors, tough action on graffiti, maintaining parks and gardens, and improving internet/phone services.
I am an independent vote on issues before Council and will keep the promises I make.
Phone: 0428 598 491
Henty Ward: Cr Liz Roberts
I live in Pakenham with my husband Dave and our young family. I moved to Cardinia Shire from country Western Australia in 2005. I have lived in three different locations in the Pakenham township over that period. Being involved of the local community has always been part of my life.
Henty Ward is the heart of the municipality, and I want it to encourage Council to work constructively with the community to ensure Pakenham is economically and socially vibrant. I will champion Council to complete the Youth Hub, McGregor Road duplication, and Pakenham Town centre revitalisation.
I enjoy working with the community and have been volunteering in Pakenham over the last 19 years. My professional work has been in the fields of journalism, communications, social planning and research. Much of that work has focused on local communities. I felt it was time to step up and advocate for locals.
Our family enjoy visiting local parks and going to the AFL footy. I enjoy reading and going to local cultural events particularly those close to home at the Cardinia Cultural Centre.
Phone: 0428 436 326
Officer Ward: Cr Samantha-Jane Potter
I live in Officer with my family and have made Cardinia Shire my home and built our family home here. My daughter goes to a local school here. Over the years, I’ve immersed myself in the community through my professional work in youth support and community services, as well as volunteering.
I founded the Cardinia Creative Community Open Mic, host youth programs for local children with autism, and have been part of multiple local community groups, networks, events, and local festival committees. I have a passion for creating inclusive, vibrant spaces for all. My work, family life, and volunteering reflect my deep commitment to our local shire.
My priority is ensuring Officer Ward and Cardinia thrive! I’m interested in safe and relevant infrastructure, I hope to upgrade our facilities, and see a vibrant Officer town centre grow. I advocate for supporting inclusive community groups, small businesses, and spaces that foster inclusive growth, safety, and opportunity for residents of all ages and backgrounds. I'm passionate about supporting our community with social programs, and keeping humanity in all our council decisions. I want to be a role model for my daughter and other young people.
I’m passionate about building a strong, inclusive, and supportive community. With experience in community services and youth programs, I wanted to contribute to making Cardinia Shire a place where people feel valued, connected, and inspired to create their best future.
I enjoy spending time with my family, managing youth programs, and running creative community events.
I also love the arts-music-singing, swimming, bike rides, celebrating cultural events, and connecting with friends and neighbours.
Phone: 0429 077 510
Pakenham Hills Ward: Mayor Cr Jack Kowarzik
As a proud resident of Pakenham for two decades, I've observed and been a part of Cardinia Shire's strong community. Married with three young children, I also run my own small business as a plumber. My priorities include supporting local residents and families, increasing services and amenity, improving access to jobs, reducing cost pressures, and tackling the issues that matter most to residents.
Participation in the Financial Wellbeing Action Team and Together We Can Initiative underscores my dedication to improving financial literacy and vulnerability support services, recognising their impact on people’s lives. Beyond official duties, my advocacy for local history, community safety, environmental conservation, and better local infrastructure planning highlights my commitment to shaping Cardinia Shire for future generations.
In 2023/24 and 2024/25, I took on the role of Mayor of Cardinia Shire Council, embracing the responsibility with both appreciation and a sense of duty. I firmly believe that involvement, investment, and a strong work ethic are the foundation of a resilient community. As Mayor, I am dedicated to representing and strongly advocating on behalf of residents, inviting you to connect, share thoughts, and join in building a thriving, inclusive, and well-prepared Cardinia Shire for the future – a legacy we can all be proud of.
Phone: 0439 620 809
Ranges Ward: Cr David Nickell
I’m honoured to return to Council – after more than 20 years! – to serve you now as Ranges Ward Councillor. While serving as Councillor from 2000 to 2003, I initiated the Eastern Dandenong Ranges Trail and established the Emerald Village and Gembrook Township Committees. I also chaired working groups for local road construction schemes. After a brief hiatus, I chaired the Gembrook Township Committee and co-founded the Eastern Dandenong Ranges Association, supporting local businesses and balanced tourism.
Coming into this new four-year term, I’m committed to sustainably improving rural connector roads, upgrading town streets and drainage systems, strengthening community resilience and Council support for volunteers, and developing a Green Wedge Management Plan for farmers. I look forward to collaborating with you and my fellow Councillors to make Ranges Ward an even better place to live.
Phone: 0428 630 155
Toomuc Ward: Cr Casey Thomsen
As a proud, lifelong resident of Cardinia Shire, I’m thrilled to serve as your Councillor for the Toomuc Ward. Although I don’t currently reside in Toomuc, my deep connections and active involvement in the community make me a passionate advocate for our area. Growing up here, I attended Lakeside College and have watched Toomuc flourish into the vibrant community it is today.
As your Councillor, I cherish every aspect of our community life and am focused on fostering a safe, inclusive, and engaged community. I believe in the power of connection and am dedicated to improving the lives of all residents. My priorities include supporting local businesses, enhancing arts and culture, promoting sports and recreation, and encouraging youth involvement. Over the next four years, I’m committed to bringing good old-fashioned honesty and hard work to my role. I aim to build connected and engaged communities without pushing any agendas.
Phone: 0428 185 791
Westernport Ward: Cr Trudi Paton
Having spent most of my life in Cardinia, my husband and I chose this beautiful area to raise our four children. I’ve worked and volunteered in the performing arts sector for the past 30 years and am passionate to see a fairer go for arts groups and arts participation in Cardinia.
I believe that all citizens deserve to benefit equally from Council services – safe roads, waste management, well-maintained public spaces and footpaths, and efficiently run operations. There is a service gap between the urban corridor and rural wards that needs to be addressed. I believe that farmers have a right to farm and I will work smart (and hard) to collaborate with farmers to defend this right. Putting the farmer at front and centre of agricultural strategy and decisions is the starting point. Changing policy and processes to ensure that the farmers’ voice is represented in all agricultural decisions comes next.
I'm passionate about promoting a Council that respects your rights, values your input, and works efficiently for you. Together, we can create a thriving environment where everyone feels valued and heard.
Phone: 0437 719 572