Building regulatory forms

Find building forms in one central location. This page features all building regulatory forms or links you straight to the page you need to find them. 

Call us on 1300 787 624 or email to get advice over the phone, or to make an appointment

Use this online form to submit extra documents or make changes to your existing building applications, at no cost. 

Building/property information request web page

Asset protection permit web page

Legal point of discharge web page

Community Infrastructure Levy web page

Footpath occupancy web page

Before you submit your application you need to have your traffic management plan approved. To lodge your traffic management plan for approval go to the Traffic Management Plan web page.  


$325.00 (no GST)


Download Protection of the public application form



$320.25 No GST) for 2024-2025

Report and consent for residential siting web page


$408.20 (no GST) for 2024-2025


Applying and paying online (this is a secure payment) is easier for you, and means we can process your application more quickly.  

Online form - siting approval for temporary structures 

To apply and pay in-person, download an application form and take it to our Civic Centre Customer Service. For help submitting via email or post, send an email to att: Building Admin to start the process.

View forms and information on the Apply to hold a public entertainment event web page


Request a copy of building plans or documents web page

Apply to build over an easement web page


$320.25 (no GST)

(for 2024-2025)

Download Consent to construct a shed on vacant land application form

Building in a flood prone area web page

Online form: Section 80 - notification of appointment

Was the application lodged with the registered building surveyor (RBS) on or before 1 July 2024? 

If yes - fee is $130.85 (no GST)

If no - fee is $134.40 (no GST)

Online form - Lodgement of documents form (Section 30) for building surveyors

If you need to submit additional documents or amend documents, please use this online form. 

There is no fee to submit this form. 

Online form - Submit additional or amended building permit documents