Pre-application service

We offer a Pre-Application meeting service to provide feedback and help applicants prepare for a planning permit application. 

Pre-Application advice will identify any concerns or suggestions for improvement on your future application. It should be viewed as preliminary advice only and does not guarantee that a permit will be issued.  

For all fees and costs, please refer to our fee schedule: Planning Permit and Subdivision Fees | Cardinia Shire Council


  • Phone call with planner on duty to discuss proposal 

You can seek general planning advice Monday to Friday during office hours. Please call 1300 787 624. 


  • Meeting (online or in person) with allocated planner  
  • Written response within 14 days of meeting with allocated planner. 

Request an intermediate pre-application meeting


  • Meeting (online or in person) with allocated Planner and representatives from relevant internal Council Departments 
  • Internal referral responses included within Council’s response 
  • Written response within 1 month of meeting with allocated Planner.

Request an advanced pre-application meeting

To get the best advice for your proposal, please submit the following information with your request: 

  • Land address/es 
  • A description of your proposal 
  • Site Plan showing the proposed design in context with adjoining properties 
  • Concept plans (for example, floor plans and elevations) 
  • Other relevant documentation (such as reports or site investigations)  
  • Any communication with External Authorities (such as Melbourne Water or Department of Transport) 
  • Certificate of Title, including any restrictions (Note: this is not mandatory, but is helpful) 
  • Pre-application fee
  • You may wish to talk to your neighbours before finalising your plans. If they are unhappy with an aspect of your proposal, you may be able to reach a compromise before lodging your planning application. 
  • For Intermediate and Advanced pre-application services, your Planner will contact you to arrange a meeting within 2 weeks of receiving your request.  
  • Please note: Planning Officers will only be able to comment on the information provided. 
  • After you have received the pre-application advice, you can contact the Planning Officer directly if you need further assistance, prior to lodging your application. 
  • Only once a planning permit application is lodged formally with Council, can a decision on your application be made. Pre-Application advice is preliminary only.  
  • If you obtained a copy of title for the pre-application service, be aware that the copy of title lodged with the planning application must be current (not older than 90 days).