Green Wedge Management Plans

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is reviewing green wedge and peri-urban areas with the aim of strengthening planning protection of agricultural land that is identified as having high-quality soil.

During February to May 2019 DELWP put the 'Protecting and Supporting Melbourne’s Strategic Agricultural Land project (Plan Melbourne Action 17)' out for community consultation.

Read more about the project at DELWP's Planning for Melbourne's Green Wedges and Agricultral Land web page.

Green Wedges are the non-urban land that surrounds development in the outer areas of Melbourne. It is  separated from urban areas by the Urban Growth Boundary, put in place by the Victorian Government in 2002.

Melbourne has 12 green wedges across 17 local government areas. Around one third of Melbourne’s green wedges are public land including national parks, parks and reserves and water catchments.

For more information go to the Green wedges web page on DELWP's website.

Green wedges provide: 

  • agricultural and horticultural areas
  • open spaces
  • natural habitats for plants and animals
  • recreation opportunities
  • tourism opportunities

Land in Cardinia Shire falls into 3 green wedges:

  • Westernport
  • Southern Ranges
  • Yarra Valley and Yarra and Dandenong Ranges

A number of small townships are within the green wedge, including Emerald, Cardinia and Nar Nar Goon.

Our green wedge land is in zones including the Green Wedge Zone, Rural Conservation Zone and the Special Use Zone.

These zones control the way land can be used in these areas.

Management plans for the Southern Ranges and Yarra Valley and Yarra and Dandenong Ranges are yet to be prepared.

Contact our Strategic Planning Team on 1300 787 624 or email