Apply for consent to build outside of building envelope

  • Some properties may have a building envelope restriction on the title.  
  • A building envelope is a designated area on a lot where buildings can be constructed. The building envelope is registered on the title of the land.
  • If you want to build outside this envelope, you may be able to apply to Council for permission to do this.

You can get a copy of your Title and Plan of Subdivision from the Victorian Government’s Landata website.

You can if your Title allows you to apply to Council to construct outside of the prescribed envelope. Some restrictions don’t allow for an application to Council.

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible to apply to construct outside of the building envelope, call our Statutory Planning Team on 1300 787 624.

  1. A copy of the full Title documents, no older than 90 days (including Plan of Subdivision and any restrictions registered on Title).
  2. A full set of plans including:
    • site plan (must clearly show the building envelope and setbacks)
    • floor plan
    • elevations. 
  3. Cover letter 
    Outlining the reason(s) you are unable to comply with the building envelope.

Please refer to our fee schedule: Planning Permit and Subdivision Fees | Cardinia Shire Council

This fee is non-refundable.

How to pay the application fee

  • You can pay using the online form. 
  • If you have posted or emailed your form, you can pay over the phone or in person (when Council’s customer service centre reopens).

Pay over the phone

Call us on 1300 787 624 to pay with your credit card.

Pay in person

Council’s Customer Service Centre
20 Siding Avenue, Officer

You are able to lodge your application online.

Apply online

Applying and paying online (this is a secure payment) is easier for you, and means we can process your application more quickly.

Apply online



Contact our Statutory Planning team
Ph: 1300 787 624