Supporting our community news

Bookings filling up for final FREE ‘Understanding My Aged Care and Care Finder’ session in May
Bookings are still open for Cardinia Shire Council’s final free session on My Aged Care and Care Finder services, happening on Wednesday 28 May 2025.
Book now for May’s Dementia-Friendly Carer Gateway information session
The final two Dementia-Friendly and Carer Gateway sessions are coming up this May and bookings are open now for Carer Gateway-registered carers.
Free volunteer training sessions
Cardinia Shire Council will host a variety of free volunteer training sessions throughout 2025.
Cardinia Community Grant Expo a resounding success
Cardinia Shire Council, in collaboration with The Cardinia Foundation and South East Water, celebrated a successful inaugural Community Grant Expo on Wednesday, 12 February.
Access council information in the language of your choice
Cardinia Shire Council offers a free interpreting service to assist community members whose first language is not English.
Cardinia Shire Council 2025 grant applications now open
Cardinia Shire Council's 2025 grant applications are now open.
Cardinia Shire Community Grant Expo
Cardinia Shire Council is partnering with The Cardinia Foundation and South East Water to host a Community Grant Expo.
Celebrating success at Cardinia Shire's Good Choice Awards
Cardinia Shire Council proudly hosted the annual Good Choice Awards celebrating young individuals aged 12-24 who have shown resilience, kindness, and strength in their decision-making throughout 2024
Opportunity for businesses at Officer’s new regional park
Cardinia Shire Council is seeking expressions of interest from mobile coffee, drink and ice-cream business owners, who are interested in trading inside Officer’s new regional park.
Graduates of the 2024 Cardinia Community Leadership Program celebrated
Cardinia Shire Council is proud to announce and celebrate the graduates of the 2024 Cardinia Community Leadership Program.
Supporting those in need this Christmas
Christmas can be a wonderful time filled with family, friends, and festive cheer, but for many people, Christmas can be one of the most challenging and stressful times of the year.
16 Days of Activism 2024: Events and initiatives in Cardinia Shire
Cardinia Shire community members are invited to attend a special event for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence 2024.
Get expert advice on managing your bills
Southeast Community Links (SECL), with support from Cardinia Shire Council is hosting a Bring Your Bills Day event designed to provide valuable assistance and advice on managing household bills.
Connecting fathers and creating stronger communities
Cardinia Shire Council, in partnership with Anglicare Victoria, have completed another successful Cardinia Dads support group.
Council continuing to support community wellbeing
Cardinia Shire Council have granted funding to 63 community organisations for projects that contribute to making Cardinia an incredible place to live.
Local events and initiatives support Homelessness Week 2024
Cardinia Shire locals can learn about and help support those experiencing homelessness at a range of local events and initiatives this week for National Homelessness Week 2024.
Celebrate NAIDOC Week in Cardinia Shire this week!
Cardinia Shire community is invited to celebrate NAIDOC Week by connecting with Country and community through the art exhibition and interactive experiences in Emerald and Pakenham this week.
Join the celebration at Fusion Festival 2024!
The Cardinia Shire community is invited to Fusion Festival 2024 – a World Refugee Week celebration!
Community invited to National Reconciliation Week events
Community members are invited to free events across Cardinia Shire to commemorate National Reconciliation Week 2024.
New support service for local dads
Cardinia Shire Council is now offering free support groups for local dads.
Experience the future with Topia
Cardinia Shire Council is hosting a new futuristic exhibition at Emerald Hills Hub called Topia.
Cardinia Shire Council adopts 2023-24 Budget
Cardinia Shire Council has adopted its 2023–24 Budget, following a second round of community input into the draft document in May this year.
Enjoy all things local this Winter!
Winterfest is giving residents plenty of reasons to stay and play local these Winter school holidays, offering a range of local deals, activities, and experiences.
Capturing Cardinia Shire
Over 270 incredible photos of Cardinia Shire were submitted by the community as part of the What’s On Cardinia photo competition!
Promote your local business this Winter!
What’s On Cardinia is calling on local businesses to take part in Winterfest 2023!
(OFFER EXPIRED) Free Rapid Antigen Tests from Cardinia Shire Council Civic Centre
Free rapid antigen test (RAT) kits are available from Cardinia Shire Council’s Civic Centre, 20 Siding Avenue Officer, during open hours.
Helping hands at Christmas
Christmas, though considered the most joyful time of the year, can mean very different things to different people. Family and individual stress levels may rise throughout the Christmas season.
International Day of People with Disability 2022
This International Day of People with a Disability (3 December), Cardinia Shire Council is reflecting on the progress made and work still to be done to support inclusion and access in our community.
The annual Walk Against Family Violence is back!
The Cardinia Casey Family Violence Network will be hosting a community walk against family violence on Friday 18 November, with support from Together We Can and Cardinia Shire Council.
Working together for a Safer Cardinia Community Safety Month 2022
Connect with local services at community information sessions hosted by Cardinia Shire Council this October – Community Safety Month!
Cardinia Shire Seniors Festival 2022 is almost here!
Cardinia Shire is celebrating the 40th year of the Victorian Seniors Festival this October!
Cardinia Shire’s new Climate Change Adaptation Strategy adopted
Cardinia Shire’s new Climate Change Adaptation Strategy was adopted at last night’s Council meeting.
New sport network to boost female participation in sport
Applications are now open to join Cardinia Shire Council’s first Women and Girls Sport Participation Network.
White Ribbon awards announced
Congratulations to this year’s White Ribbon Award winners announced at yesterday’s White Ribbon event held at Outlook’s function centre on Toomuc Valley Road in Pakenham.
Cardinia Shire’s Social and Affordable Housing Strategy launched
Cardinia Shire Council officially launched its first Social and Affordable Housing Strategy last week.
Social and Affordable Housing Strategy adopted
Cardinia Shire Council last night adopted its Social and Affordable Housing Strategy.
Community elves to the rescue for Christmas hamper drive
This week community volunteers, organisations and Cardinia Shire Council delivered around 400 Christmas hampers to vulnerable people and families across our shire.
2018 Christmas hamper program
Following the closure of The 4Cs Crisis Relief Centre on Friday (30 November), Cardinia Shire Council has partnered with local organisations to coordinate the 2018 Christmas hamper program.
Cardinia Shire community recognised nationally again!
Family violence reduction project, Together We Can, today received a gold award in the community-led category of the 2018 Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards (ACVPA).
Council increases support of 4Cs
Cardinia Shire Council last night announced a commitment to provide additional emergency funding to the 4Cs Crisis Relief Centre in an effort to keep the centre operational beyond Christmas this year.
2018 White Ribbon Day walk
Cardinia Shire community groups, with support from Cardinia Shire Council, will be holding the 2018 White Ribbon Day walk.
Upcoming information sessions for Community Capital Works Grants 2019–20
Cardinia Shire Council will be hosting two information sessions to assist local community groups to prepare their applications for the 2019–20 Community Capital Works Grants.
White Ribbon Night luncheon renews commitment
Cardinia Shire Council, Outlook and the community observed #WhiteRibbonNight yesterday at a lunch-time event calling for people to stand up, speak out and stop men’s violence against women.
Community Capital Works Grants recipients 2018–19 announced
Cardinia Shire Council has presented $178,000 in funding under the Community Capital Works Grants 2018–19 to 18 successful applicants at a reception at the Cardinia Cultural Centre.
Works underway at James Bathe Recreation Reserve
Stage 1 works for the major development at James Bathe Recreation Reserve, located off Caversham Drive in Pakenham, are now underway.
Defibrillator training for Pakenham Library and U3A
Cardinia Shire Central Ward Cr Carol Ryan joined Pakenham Library staff and U3A Pakenham members as they learnt how to use the defibrillator for their premises recently.
Have your say on the future of the Neighbourhood House in Cockatoo
Community ideas and feedback are being sought to develop a new operating model for a neighbourhood house in Cockatoo and ensure programs and services will serve the needs of the community.
New grants round open: Heritage Grants 2018–19
Applications are now open for Cardinia Shire Council’s Heritage Grants 2018–19, providing funding up to $5,000 to repair or conserve places of heritage significance.
Cardinia Shire’s Community emergency resilience forum a success
Over 80 people attended Cardinia Shire’s Community emergency resilience forum earlier this week to focus on promoting resilience building and community preparation for emergencies.
Cardinia Cultural Centre redevelopment commencing soon
Cardinia Shire Council will soon commence construction work on the $8.9 million project to upgrade the Cardinia Cultural Centre in Pakenham.
Applications for Cardinia Community Leadership Program open
Applications are open for the 2018 Cardinia Community Leadership Program from Monday 23 April to 5pm, Friday 18 May 2018.
Cardinia Shire parents to take a stand against teen alcohol abuse
Cardinia Shire parents are being urged to make a personal pledge to encourage their teenagers to adopt sensible drinking habits as part of a new initiative to combat drug and alcohol abuse.
Site works commenced at Hills Hub, Emerald
Site works commenced at the Emerald Hills Hub this month, marking the beginning of the construction phase for the long-awaited $6.63 million development.
Worrell Reserve, Emerald Neighbourhood Safer Place
Worrell Reserve, Emerald will continue to be the designated Neighbourhood Safer Place in the event of an emergency while works are undertaken to construct the new Hills Hub building in Emerald.
Nominations open for the Stan Henwood Award 2018
Nominations are now open for the annual Stan Henwood Award recognising individuals in Cardinia Shire who have made significant contributions to the community.
Cardinia Shire standing together on White Ribbon Day
Cardinia Shire Council, partner organisations and community will stand together to raise awareness of and support the prevention of violence this White Ribbon Day.
Got any ‘spare change’?
Cardinia Shire Council is calling on local professionals to donate pre-loved, interview-appropriate clothing to its new ‘Spare Change’ program to assist local young people to prepare for interviews.
Need a speaker at your next AGM or committee meeting?
If you’re searching for a thought-provoking and inspiring speaker for your next Annual General Meeting or committee meeting, this may be just what you’re looking for.
Cardinia Shire Council makes TAKE2 pledge to create a greener future
Cardinia Shire Council is among the latest of 31 Victorian Local Governments, representing over half Victoria’s population, to join the State Government in the fight against climate change.
Emerald’s Hills Hub project progresses to detailed designs
Cardinia Shire Council has announced the Hills Hub project in Emerald will now progress to detailed designs.
Nominate now for the Stan Henwood Award
Nominations are now open for the annual Stan Henwood Award recognising individuals who have made significant contributions to the Cardinia Shire community over a period of more than 10 years.