News archive
News published August 2018
Don’t ‘leaf’ it too late to add your significant tree
The Cardinia Shire community is reminded that nominations to Council’s new Significant Tree Register close on Tuesday 18 September 2018.
Have your say – Officer District Reserve Masterplan
Cardinia Shire Council’s draft Officer District Reserve Masterplan is currently on exhibition for public comment.
Let’s get funded: Vote for ‘Pick my project’ ideas now
Cardinia Shire residents are encouraged to vote for local project ideas to be funded under the Victorian Government’s ‘Pick My Project’ grants program.
Cardinia Shire Council welcomes funding for new Together We Can program
Cardinia Shire Council last week welcomed $75,000 in funding support from the Victorian Government’s Local Government Free from Violence grants for Together We Can’s new Business Solutions program.
Say ‘Boo’ to the Flu with a free flu vaccine
Cardinia Shire Council is encouraging its community to say ‘boo’ to the flu!
Consultation open: Proposed closure of Pakenham intersection
Cardinia Shire Council is welcoming community feedback on the proposed closure of the intersection at Railway Avenue and Racecourse Road, Pakenham.
Protecting and preserving Pakenham’s heritage places
Cardinia Shire Council is taking steps to protect and preserve Pakenham’s heritage places through the Cardinia Planning Scheme Amendment C242 Pakenham Activity Centre Heritage Overlay.