News archive
News published May 2021
Public exhibition for introducing new advertising signage design guidelines into Cardinia Planning Scheme
New advertising signage design guidelines are on public exhibition for local businesses in Cardinia Shire.
Imagine Cardinia: Last chance to have your say!
Feedback on the draft Imagine Cardinia documents is closing soon!
Council announced as finalist for prestigious sport award
Cardinia Shire Council has been announced as a finalist in the Victorian Sport Awards.
New interactive map to help make more inclusive public spaces for everyone in Cardinia
Cardinia Shire Council is proud to be part of a state-wide project that will help plan and advocate for improvements to community safety.
Free events to support community connection in the wake of COVID-19
Cardinia Shire Council’s COVID-19 Community Recovery Committee has planned a series of community events designed to build community connection following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.
Register now for the 2021 Volunteer Reception and Stan Henwood presentation!
Registrations for the 2021 Volunteer Reception and Stan Henwood presentation are now open.
Help us ‘green’ Cardinia Shire with free plants for residents
Help us create a greener Cardinia Shire by participating in Cardinia Shire Council’s free native plant giveaway.
Free beginners compost and worm farm workshops
Learn about compost, worm farms and digesters and how they can help you reduce your household waste at Council’s free beginners compost and worm farm workshops.