News archive
News published July 2021
COVID-19 restrictions ease
The Victorian Government has announced the easing of COVID-19 restrictions from 11.59pm Tuesday 27 July.
Taking the lead: gender equality
Leadership commitment statement adopted
New COVID-19 restrictions for Victoria
The Victorian Government has announced new COVID-19 restrictions from 11.59pm Thursday 15 July.
Cockatoo Tennis Club served four new LED lights!
Four new LED lights have been installed at Cockatoo Tennis Club.
Applications now open for beautification grants
Applications are now open for Cardinia Shire Council’s 2021-22 Beautification Grants program.
Updates to COVID-19 restrictions
The Victorian Government has announced that COVID-19 restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne will be brought into line with regional Victoria, which means all COVIDSafe settings will apply statewide.
No Waste Cook Club - Zero Waste Cooking workshops
Learn about the impacts of food waste on the environment and valuable tips and tricks for effective meal planning at Council’s free zero-waste cooking workshops!
Join Phil Cleary, equality advocate, AFL legend and former federal MP for this year’s White Ribbon fundraiser
Community members are invited to attend Council’s annual White Ribbon fundraiser on Thursday 29 July from 9.30am–12pm at the Cardinia Cultural Centre.
Storm recovery community meeting in Emerald
A community meeting for Cardinia Shire residents affected by the June storm event will be held at the Hills Hub in Emerald this week.