News archive
News published September 2021
2021-22 Community Capital Works Grants Program recipients announced!
Successful applicants of Council’s 2021-22 Community Capital Works Grants Program have been announced.
Nominations open for Australia Day Awards – celebrate what’s great!
Applications are now open for Cardinia Shire Council’s 2022 Australia Day Awards.
What’s on Cardinia?
Residents and businesses may be interested in some exciting news to come out of Cardinia Shire.
Colourful Cardinia kids to help with Rix Road childcare artwork
Cardinia Shire kids are encouraged to submit butterfly designs online for Rix Road childcare centre public artwork.
Creating a safer Cardinia – free workshops
Cardinia Shire Council is hosting free online community workshops to mark Community Safety Month in October.
View designs for Gembrook’s new accessible toilet
Cardinia Shire Council is finalising plans for a new public toilet in Gembrook.
Cardinia Business Virtual Networking Breakfast with guest speaker Mark Carter
Cardinia Shire businesses are encouraged to log on and take part in the first Cardinia Business Virtual Networking Breakfast on Wednesday 29 September.
Connect Spring has hit the streets!
The latest edition of Connect magazine has hit the streets of Cardinia Shire.
What’s On Cardinia Festival to showcase art, creatives and businesses
Planning is in full swing for Cardinia Shire’s first What’s On Cardinia Festival.
Help green Cardinia - free native plant vouchers for schools, community groups and large properties
Cardinia Shire Council is encouraging schools, kindergartens, community groups and owners of properties more than 4000 square metres to apply for free $100 native plant vouchers to help green Cardinia