News archive
News published September 2021
Pakenham Tennis Club is on the move!
The Pakenham Tennis Club is moving to the Pakenham Regional Tennis Centre this October with resurfacing of four dedicated synthetic courts underway and new clubrooms set for completion in March 2022.
Online meeting to set up community cricket club at James Bathe Reserve
An online meeting to discuss the formation of a new cricket club at James Bathe Reserve in Pakenham will take place next week.
Have your say on Council’s Complaints Policy
Cardinia Shire Council has developed a draft Complaints Policy in line with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2020 and formal recommendations made by the Victorian Ombudsman.
Council care packs delivered to our vulnerable community
Cardinia Shire Council has packed and delivered 600 care packs to local community partners working directly with vulnerable community members.
COVID-19 restrictions extended for metropolitan Melbourne
On 1 September, the Victorian Government announced an extension to COVID-19 restrictions for metropolitan Melbourne.