News archive
News published February 2023
Ageing Well Newsletter (Edition 14) out now!
Edition 14 of Council’s Ageing Well newsletter is out now!
Managing your business energy costs
Cardinia Shire Council will host the first Cardinia Business Networking Breakfast for the year this March.
Have your say: exterior design options – Alma Treloar Reserve public toilets
Cardinia Shire Council is seeking feedback on exterior façade options for new public toilets at Alma Treloar Reserve, Cockatoo.
Have your say on the draft Active Cardinia Strategy!
Council is inviting the community to review and provide feedback on its draft Active Cardinia Strategy.
Have your say: exterior design - PB Ronald Reserve public toilets
Cardinia Shire Council is seeking feedback on the exterior façade design of new public toilets at PB Ronald Reserve, Pakenham.
Cardinia Shire commemorates the 40th anniversary of Ash Wednesday
Community members are invited to attend a number of events commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Ash Wednesday Bushfires.
Emerald’s Hills Hub is turning rainbow!
Prism, an upcoming exhibition at Emerald’s Hills Hub, will feature work by our local creative LGBTQIA+ community.
Upgraded Beaconsfield Tennis Courts officially open
Cardinia Shire Council is pleased to acknowledge the official opening of the upgraded tennis courts in Beaconsfield.