News archive
News published February 2024
Have your say on Cardinia’s Environmentally Sustainable Development local policy
Planning schemes require changes over time to ensure that requirements continue to meet the needs of the local community, to achieve certain planning outcomes and to support new policies.
Mobile community outreach program for storm-affected communities
Council staff will visit storm-affected communities from Monday 26 February as part of Council’s mobile community outreach program in response to last week’s storm.
Have your say on Council’s free local immunisation sessions
Cardinia Shire residents are invited to give feedback on free immunisations sessions held locally and delivered by Cardinia Shire Council. The input received will be used to plan sessions for 2025.
Free green and storm-related waste drop-offs for residents impacted by the storms
Residents impacted by the recent storms can continue to drop-off their green waste for free, as well as other storm-related general waste, until Tuesday 30 April.
Community information session for storm-affected residents
A community information session for storm-affected residents will be held on Tuesday 20 February at 6-7pm.
Free green waste drop-off for storm impacted residents
To support residents impacted by the recent storms, Cardinia Shire Council is providing free additional green waste drop-offs at transfer stations in Pakenham and Lysterfield.
Relief centres now open in Cockatoo and Emerald for storm-impacted residents
Relief centres are now open in Emerald and Cockatoo to provide support to residents impacted by yesterday’s (Tuesday 13 February) severe storm events.
Kinder registration now free
It’s now free for Cardinia Shire families to register their children for 3-year-old and 4-year-old community kindergarten via Council’s registration portal.
You can now Meet the Mayor in Cardinia Shire
Local residents can now meet the Mayor at locations across Cardinia Shire.
Register now for Clean Up Australia Day!
The community is encouraged to sign up for this year’s Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 3 March.