The annual Walk Against Family Violence is back!

Published: 14 November 2022

The Cardinia Casey Family Violence Network will be hosting a community walk against family violence on Friday 18 November, with support from Together We Can and Cardinia Shire Council.

The Walk Against Violence will depart at 12pm (midday), from the Pakenham Library/Hall and return at 12.30pm. Following the walk, attendees are encouraged to stay to enjoy a free community barbecue and family activities at Pakenham Hall (corner John and Henry Streets) until 2.30pm.

Temporary road closures will be in effect along the White Ribbon Day Walk Against Family Violence walking route, 12–12.30pm on Friday 18 November, at:

  • the corner of Henry and John streets
  • south-west down John Street to Treloar Lane
  • East along Treloar Lane to Cook Drive
  • South-east down Cook Drive to Station Street
  • From Station Street south-west to Main Street
  • north-west up Main Street to John Street then
  • north-east up John Street returning to the Pakenham Library/Hall

This is the 12th year of the walk and follows a two-year hiatus due to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Tammy Radford said Council was pleased to be supporting this worthwhile event to happen once again.

“This event has steadily built-up a following since its humble beginnings back in 2012. Now that we’re all getting back into the swing of social events, I would encourage all community members to come along, learn about and stand up against family violence and violence against women and children in our community,” the Mayor said.

“As a shire that experiences one of the highest reported cases of family violence in Victoria, it is vital that we continue to work together to raise awareness and foster culture change, to support each other, and especially those who are suffering, and to prevent family violence into the future.

“This event is important for raising awareness about the domestic violence statistics affecting families across Australia and locally, and helps us to connect with and highlight key services available to vulnerable families in our community.”

As a White Ribbon Accredited Workplace, Council is proud to support a number of projects aimed at raising awareness and stopping family violence, including continuing to work with local and regional leaders to facilitate the ‘Together We Can’ community initiative; participating in the region’s Promoting Respect and Equality (PRET) strategy, led by Women’s Health in the South East; and, participating in The Southern Metropolitan Integrated Family Violence Committee.

Hosted by the Cardinia Casey Family Violence Network, this event is proudly sponsored by Cardinia Shire Council and supported by Together We Can, Anglicare Victoria, Pakenham Library, TaskForce, Cleanaway, Pakenham Rotary and Victoria Police.

Ways to get involved

  • Attend the Walk Against Violence 2022! Remember to bring your own banner and water bottle, and dress in weather-appropriate attire.
  • To join the effort to raise awareness and prevent domestic violence, follow Together We Can on Facebook for the 16 Days of Activism social media campaign:
  • Show your support for the significant work of White Ribbon Australia by making a tax-deductible donation online at White Ribbon Australia:

Getting help

If you, or someone you know, are experiencing violence, please contact 1800 RESPECT for advice and support. In an emergency, call the police on 000.

For more information about Council’s work in preventing and responding to family violence in Cardinia Shire, visit

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