Thank you for sharing your ideas to create a day and night time destination

Published: 8 August 2023

Pakenham is going through a big transition, from a suburb on the fringe of Metropolitan Melbourne, to a destination for thousands of new residents and workers.

Consultation on this major project closed on Sunday 6 August with close to 500 people proving their feedback online, at one of five community pop up events or workshops.

We are busy analyzing this data, so far the biggest aspiration for our community is having a safe and entertaining place they can visit during the day and night. To make this happen they want to see “more community events”, “more live music and less pokies”, “better lighting at night” and “more restaurants, a cinema and coffee shops”. 

We look forward to working with you to make this happen.

Works happening in the next 12 months

In the coming months and into 2024 you will start to see some changes.

  • August 2023, some of the existing trees in Main Street will be removed and the younger Crepe Myrtle trees transplanted to Bayview Road Officer. These trees have grown too large and are causing safety issues, and damage to the road, drainage, and footpath. Removing and relocating these trees in August will provide these trees with the best chance of survival post their relocation. Trees will be replaced during Stage 1 works, with new trees that are better suited to Main Street.
  • September 2023, Council will engage a contractor to deliver Stage 1 works, once on board a detailed plan will be communicated to all impacted businesses and community to better understand the timeframes and disruptions.
  • January 2024, Stage 1 (Part 1) Main Street Central works: This timeframe is linked to requirements to current funding received from the Victorian Government.
  • September 2024, Stage 1 (Part 2) Main Street Gateway works: It is anticipated the second part of Main Street will be delivered in September 2024 to coordinate works with the Level Crossing Project.
  • As part of these works:
    • New parallel parking bays will create more space for streetscape improvements including wider pedestrian areas, new seating and street furniture. Parallel parking bays will provide drivers with better visibility and reduce the risk of collisions.
    • Four on-street accessible parking bays will be located at the centre of Main Street. Additional off-street accessible parking bays will be provided in the James Street carpark and at the Pakenham Community Hospital and Pakenham Station.
  • Council will also work with other project partners to deliver shared infrastructure, an additional three public toilets are proposed for the Pakenham Activity Centre. Two are being provided as part of the Level Crossing Removal Project. An additional toilet is proposed as part of the Pakenham Community Hospital (2025).  This will bring the number of toilets within a 500m radius of the town centre from two to five.

Keeping our traders, trading during disruptions

Council has met with and will continue to meet with impacted traders to understand how to best assist and support business through construction disruptions. Once Council engages a contractor to deliver Stage 1 works, a detailed plan will be communicated to those impacted.

To support businesses during the disruptions, Council will provide programs to support them with continued trade. Examples of this support include providing communications for special events to promote spend, promotions to assist in boosting foot traffic in and around the Activity Centre.

The program will be planned to minimise disruptions, with access to shopfronts provided throughout the works program.

Future engagement opportunities

Now and in the coming years Council will continue to work with our community to ensure we are building vibrancy and prosperity and that we are proud of Pakenham. With stages 2 to 11 planned to be delivered across the next 10 years.

For more information or enquiries please contact Cardinia Shire Council’s Major Projects Team on 1300 787 624 or

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