Explore local flora and fauna with Council’s guided walks

Published: 17 August 2023

Local nature lovers can take part in guided nature-spotting bushwalks at Cardinia Creek and Maryknoll, to discover the diverse flora and fauna at these hidden gems.

Participants on the walks will get to admire native orchids and tall Manna Gum Eucalypts, listen out for treecreepers and eastern yellow robins, smell the flowering Acacias and taste some bush food. 

Members of Cardinia Shire Council’s Environment Team are leading the guided walks to celebrate the ‘Citizen Science Biodiversity Blitz’, taking place throughout September.  

‘Citizen science’ involves collecting records of nature observed in the environment with smart phone or other device through phone apps such as ‘iNaturalist’. These community records help scientists understand the health of our natural biodiversity. 

Event Details  

Guided walk at Cardinia Creek 

  • Date: Saturday 9 September 
  • Time: 9:30-11:30am  
  • Location: Cardinia Creek (end of Luke Road Guys Hill) 

Guided walk at Maryknoll  

  • Date: Saturday 23 September  
  • Time: 9:30-11:30am  
  • Location: Welcome to Maryknoll (Corner Snell Rd and Barongarook Rd S, Maryknoll)

For more information and to register go to www.eventbrite.com.au and search ‘Guys Hill bioblitz’ and/or ‘Maryknoll bioblitz guided bushwalk’.

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