Have your say on Council’s free local immunisation sessions

Published: 21 February 2024

Cardinia Shire residents are invited to give feedback on free immunisations sessions held locally and delivered by Cardinia Shire Council. The input received will be used to plan sessions for 2025.

The consultation is open now and will close on Sunday 31 March at 5pm. Residents can respond by completing a short online survey on the Creating Cardinia consultation website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay

The survey includes questions about which factors are most important to current and potential users of the service ­– such as whether sessions are close to home, close to public transport, at locations that also host other services, or offer accessible parking.  

Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Jack Kowarzik said the information provided via the community engagement “will help ensure that the free immunisation sessions that Council offers meet the needs of as many Cardinia Shire residents as possible.

“Council runs an excellent free public immunisation service for children and adults, which includes all immunisations that are part of the National Immunisation Program.

“The sessions are held regularly at various locations across the shire, both during the day and in the evening,” Mayor Kowarzik said.

While residents can attend immunisation sessions without a booking, it’s best to book online as this helps to reduce wait times.  

To take part in the consultation for Council’s immunisation sessions visit the Creating Cardinia community engagement website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay

To find out more about Cardinia Shire Council’s free immunisation sessions or to book a session online visit Council’s website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/immunisations

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