Community satisfaction survey on Cardinia Shire Council services starting this week

Published: 26 February 2024

Around 900 residents across Cardinia Shire will be surveyed to gain insight into the delivery of Cardinia Shire Council services and community needs, as part of the 2024 Community Satisfaction Survey.

From Saturday 2 March, independent research company Metropolis Research will conduct the survey on Council's behalf.  

Over the coming weeks, field staff will undertake face-to-face surveys on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 5pm. Some residents may be contacted by phone to take part in the survey. 

Council will use the survey data to make improvements to the delivery of its services.

Participation in the survey is voluntary. However, feedback from residents is valuable and greatly appreciated.

Personal details and individual responses provided as part of the survey are confidential. Residents will not be asked to provide financial or banking details. 

  • For more information about Cardinia Shire Council’s Community Satisfaction Survey, visit Council’s website at  
  • Please contact Council’s Customer Support Team on 1300 787 624 with any questions regarding the survey.
  • To provide general feedback to Council at any time, email
  • To provide feedback to Council as part of a community consultation, visit the Creating Cardinia community engagement platform at
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