Cardinia Shire Council’s proposed Governance Rules open for comment

Published: 16 April 2024

Cardinia Shire Council has drafted amendments to its Governance Rules – now open for community comment.

The proposed changes aim to improve public transparency and community engagement.

From Tuesday 16 April to Tuesday 14 May 2024, the Cardinia Shire community is invited to comment on the draft changes to:

  1. the proposed notice period for:
    1. publishing agendas for ordinary and special Council meetings on Council’s website 6 days prior to the meeting
    2. lodging notices of motion (including recission notices) at least 14 days prior to a meeting
  2. bringing community question time forward to benefit community members asking questions at meetings.

To view the full list of proposed changes and submit your comments in the online survey, visit Council’s Creating Cardinia website at

Comments on the proposed amendments can also be submitted by email to

Following the consultation period, Council will consider all feedback received and decide on the recommended amendments. Council will then move to adopt the revised Governance Rules at the June 2024 Council meeting. Anyone who completes the online survey will be advised of the outcome.

Council’s Governance Rules were created in 2020 as a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020. They were last reviewed and updated in 2022.

The Governance Rules determine how Council operates, including how it makes decisions and conducts meetings. The rules play a crucial role in upholding Council’s commitment to working in the community’s best interests through accountability, integrity and transparency.

This community consultation closes on Tuesday 14 May 2024.

For more information visit or for enquiries call Council’s Customer Support team on 1300 787 624 or email

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