Cardinia Shire Council’s commitment to kindergartens

Published: 24 April 2024

Cardinia Shire Council remains committed to working with key partners to ensure Cardinia Shire families have access to quality early years education.

Council considered a report at the April Council meeting about the future direction of kindergartens in the shire in response to the State Government’s Best Start Best Life reform.

While funding of kindergartens is a State Government responsibility, Cardinia Shire Council continues to work in partnership with the State Government, kindergarten service providers and other key partners to bring to life the Best Start Best Life reforms.

Council is:

  • Continuing to investigate local demand for kindergarten and the infrastructure needed to deliver the reform.
  • Calling on the State Government to prioritise kindergartens on school sites where additional facilities are required to meet kindergarten demand as a result of the reforms, and that the State Government plan, fund, construct, maintain and manage these sites.
  • Requesting that the State Government fully fund the shortfall in all kindergarten infrastructure projects required for delivery of the reform.

Council is advocating for these outcomes to ensure Cardinia Shire’s growing population continues to have access to high quality early years education into the future.

Cardinia Shire Council continues to invest heavily in kindergarten services. This includes the delivery of infrastructure, facility management, coordination of a central registration scheme, working in partnership with service providers, and ensuring governance and compliance requirements are met.

Council remains committed to ensuring that the early years services provided to children and families in Cardinia Shire are the best they can be, now and into the future.

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