Storm clean-up continues

Published: 15 May 2024

The kerbside storm debris removal program for storm-affected communities in Cardinia Shire is continuing, despite Emergency Recovery Victoria’s on-the-ground support of the program coming to an end.

Cardinia Shire Council will continue to prioritise storm debris clean-up in the areas that experienced significant damage as a result of severe storm event on 13 February.

Storm debris collections by Council in partnership with ERV have been underway in 543 roads in 19 townships across the shire since March, but ERV’s on-the-ground support of the program has come to an end. Despite this, eligible Cardinia Shire residents can still register for ERV’s removal of dangerous trees program. Eligibility criteria can be found on ERV’s website.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jack Kowarzik said 50% of the kerbside storm debris removal program had been completed to date, and that Council was committed to supporting residents until the clean-up is complete.

“While Council is disappointed that ERV’s on-the-ground support of this clean-up program will not continue, Council remains committed to supporting our community until all storm debris has been removed,” Mayor Kowarzik said.

“Due to the large volume of debris that needs to be collected, we understand that the clean-up may be taking longer than expected. I want to reassure the community that our teams are working hard to complete the clean-up program as soon possible, and we sincerely thank our storm-affected communities for their understanding and patience as we work through the list of locations.

“Community safety remains our number one priority, so works are being scheduled based on community safety and need, with the most urgent works being undertaken first.”

Residents in eligible locations who have been unable to dispose of their storm waste via other means can continue to leave it on their nature strip for collection by Council crews.

For a full list of roads included as part of the program, see Kerbside storm debris removal program locations

For more information about storm recovery, visit:

For more information on ERV’s clean-up support programs, visit Clean up support for storm damaged homes | (

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