Cardinia Youth Hub update

Published: 21 May 2024

Cardinia Shire Council is considering the future of the Youth Hub project in Pakenham.

Following the liquidation of Allmore Constructions Pty Ltd in October 2023, Council engaged relevant technical experts to undertake independent investigations of the site. The investigation found that the structural defects made the building unsafe. 

At last night’s Council Meeting, Council Resolved to delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer Carol Jeffs to proceed with demolition of the building. When required, Council will go out to tender to appoint a demolition contractor and it is expected that this process, including the demolition, will take approximately 12 weeks. 

Ms Jeffs said that Council’s priority was to continue to support the sectors to deliver services and support, while working through options. 

“We are continuing to have discussions with key stakeholders, including governments and youth services as part of this process,” she said. 

“These conversations will assist Council in considering options and next steps for this project.”  

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jack Kowarzik said youth services would continue to be provided from My Place in Main Street, Pakenham, and that Council would continue to work closely with services that provide important programs and support to young people.  

“Council is absolutely committed to supporting a range of services locally that assist our young people,” Mayor Kowarzik said. 

“The continued discussions Council staff are having with service providers are critical to inform the next steps in this project and I would like to thank local service providers for their continued support of our young people. 

“Council will pursue appropriate legal action on behalf of Council and the community who have been left bitterly disappointed by this project.”