Cardinia Shire Council supports equality for LGBTI Community

Published: 21 March 2017

Cardinia Shire Council has moved to publicly support the local LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and/or intersex) community in their efforts to seek marriage equality for all.

In a motion moved by Central Ward Councillor Michael Schilling at a Council meeting on Monday 20 March, Council resolved to:

  1. Publicly support marriage equality irrespective of sex or gender identity.
  2. Write to Federal Members of Parliament and the Commonwealth Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission advising them of Council's support.
  3. Investigate ways as a Council, we can make our community and Council facilities an inclusive place for the LGBTI community. 

The motion was supported unanimously by councillors in attendance. (Councillors Moore and Brown were absent and Councillor Ryan declared a direct conflict of interest due to her occupation as a civil celebrant).

Mayor Cr Brett Owen said Council was among a handful of councils in Victoria and the first council in the south east of Melbourne to publicly support marriage equality, irrespective of sexual preference or gender identity.

“As councillors, we have a responsibility to represent and support all residents of our Shire regardless of age, gender, nationality or sexual preference,” Cr Owen said.

“We want to ensure that all members of our community feel safe and secure, and have the same rights and opportunities that others enjoy.”

Cr Owen said Council was committed to fostering an inclusive community where all residents feel supported and safe.

“We know that a majority of our residents are in favour of marriage equality and ending the discrimination endured by members of our LGBTI community,” he said.

“I thank Cr Schilling for putting the topic of marriage equality on the agenda and congratulate my other Council colleagues for their support and commitment to fostering an inclusive community for all residents of Cardinia Shire.”

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