Full steam ahead on the Upper Beaconsfield Pavilion redevelopment
Cardinia Shire Council is excited to share an update about the ongoing progress of the Upper Beaconsfield Pavilion redevelopment.
The pavilion redevelopment aims to enhance local sporting and recreational facilities for local clubs and the community.
Planning of the pavilion is close to completion, and construction is anticipated to commence by mid-2025. The pavilion redevelopment is jointly funded by the Victorian Government and Cardinia Shire Council, showcasing a strong partnership aimed at enhancing community facilities.
The redevelopment will introduce modern amenities and improvements that will benefit local sports clubs and provide a space for community events and gatherings. Key features of the new pavilion include upgraded change rooms, improved accessibility, and enhanced social spaces for community engagement.
Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jack Kowarzik expressed his excitement about the redevelopment and its positive impact on the community. "This project not only enhances our sporting facilities but also strengthens community ties. We are excited to invest in our community's future and create a hub that will be a source of pride for all residents."
Beacon Hills Ward Councillor Brett Owen also expressed his enthusiasm for the project. "The Upper Beaconsfield Pavilion redevelopment is a significant step forward for our community," said Cr Owen. "It demonstrates our commitment to providing quality facilities that cater to our growing community's needs. I look forward to seeing the positive impact this project will have on our local sports teams, scout groups, equestrian clubs and the broader community."
Community members have been actively involved in the pavilion redevelopment, providing valuable feedback to ensure the new design reflects the needs and desires of residents.
For more updates on the Upper Beaconsfield Pavilion redevelopment, visit projects.cardinia.vic.gov.au