Have Your Say on the Lauriston Estate Park Playground upgrade
Cardinia Shire Council is seeking input from the community to help shape plans for upgrading the Lauriston Estate Park Playground in Koo Wee Rup.
The consultation process gives the community a chance to share their thoughts and ideas for the playground upgrade. Residents are encouraged to provide feedback on the current playground, how they currently use the reserve, suggest new equipment, and offer input on how to make the space more usable and engaging for all visitors.
Community feedback is crucial in helping to create a fun environment for everyone. We encourage all community members to take part and share their ideas.
Consultation for the Lauriston Estate Park Playground upgrade is open until Sunday, 27 April 2025. Community ideas and preferences will be used to inform a concept design for the playground.
For more information and to provide your feedback, please visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay