Ice education program to be held in Pakenham in October
BreakThrough: Ice education for families is being delivered at Toomah Community Centre, 18 Golden Green Street, Pakenham, 4–6pm on Thursday 26 October and Thursday 2 November 2017.
These sessions are suitable for both interested community members and families who are directly impacted by Ice use.
The program covers key issues about Ice, its effects on the brain and body, the relationship between drug use and mental health, strategies for dealing with the Ice user and access to support and resources.
Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Brett Owen said the free sessions are a practical and sensitive way for community members to seek advice and access resources and support in a safe and non-judgemental environment.
“Ice addiction, like all addictions, has the power to destroy lives and devastate communities. But, programs like BreakThrough: Ice education for families help to break down the enormity of such issues by increasing access to information, resources and support,” Cr Brett Owen said.
The program is delivered under a joint initiative between Turning Point, Self Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC) and the Bouverie Centre, which has already delivered over 150 workshops state-wide since its conception in late-2015.
Turning Point Director Professor Dan Lubman said the program is an excellent opportunity for three major state-wide services to work together to reduce the harms associated with Ice use.
“This program aims to provide an insight into what Ice is, how it affects people and how to support family members into treatment,” Professor Lubman said. “We will also provide people with practical approaches in caring for themselves and other family members.”
Attendance is free but registration is essential. To register for the My Place Pakenham BreakThrough program, go to or call 1300 660 068.
Family Drug Help, a program of SHARC, offers a confidential telephone service providing support to family members and friends in need. The helpline is staffed by trained volunteers who know what it’s like to love someone with substance misuse. Call 1300 660 068, 24 hours, 7 days a week.
For more information about the events, go to Council's online event calendar at
Cardinia Shire Council is promoting this event in partnership with: Turning Point, Port of Eastern Health, Sharc, The Bouverie Centre, Victorian State Government.