Cardinia Community Leadership Program’s first graduates

Published: 7 December 2017

The Cardinia Community Leadership Program celebrated its first graduates at a small ceremony in November.

Delivered in partnership between Council and Leadership Victoria, the program contributes to furthering the leadership capacity and community participation of some of our community’s emerging leaders.

Cardinia Shire Mayor Cr Collin Ross congratulated the 16 graduates on completing the six-month course and for taking the step forward in their roles as leaders within the community.

“The graduates’ participation in this program shows their commitment to learning, connecting and growing, and seizing opportunities to improve and make more of a positive difference in the world,” said Cr Ross.

“It is leaders like these that make Cardinia Shire a wonderful place to live and work. It is people like them that will observe our growing population and find innovative ways to preserve and enhance our community spirit.”

Through this program, graduates have been encouraged to engage in active citizenship within the local community and empowered to take collaborative action around local projects, issues and community building opportunities.

“All of the graduates have built and strengthened their capacity in community leadership and participation, and grown their network of supportive peers. I hope they have enjoyed the past six months in this leadership journey and feel the experience and connections they’ve made with each other, Council and Leadership Victoria, will support them in their efforts as community leaders,” said Cr Ross.

CEO Leadership Victoria Richard Dent OAM said Leadership Victoria has highly valued the opportunity to work with Cardinia Shire Council on this program.

“This is an exciting initiative to build the capacity of grass-roots community leaders in the shire. Congratulations to the graduates who have demonstrated their commitment to achieving great outcomes for the community,” said Mr Dent.

With the success of the inaugural Cardinia Community Leadership Program, Council and Leadership Victoria look forward to planning for the 2018 intake. Information on when and how to apply will be promoted on Council’s website in the new year.

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