Have your say: Draft Amendment C244 Pakenham Parking Precinct Plan
Cardinia Shire Council is seeking community comment on a proposal to improve parking in the Pakenham Activity Centre.
The proposed Planning Scheme Amendment C244 would apply a Parking Overlay to the Pakenham Activity Centre and implement key actions and objectives of the Pakenham Parking Precinct Plan (May 2018).
The proposed Parking Overlay would enable Council to collect a financial contribution from commercial and business landowners in Pakenham’s central business area who apply for, and are issued with, a planning permit to waive or reduce car parking spaces on their property.
As Pakenham Activity Centre develops, it is important to make sure there are enough car spaces to meet future demand.
The proposed Parking Overlay would ensure the appropriate number of car parking spaces is provided throughout the town, with any financial contributions received used to improve car parks and facilities through safer, better lit, and more connected parking, and improved pedestrian connectivity.
If the required car parking is provided then no financial contribution is required. The proposed amendment would not apply to residential properties.
The proposed financial contribution that would be payable if the required car parking is not provided is $12,000 per space. This amount has been determined through guidance from the Victorian Government’s Practice Note and reflects the cost of providing a car space.
Council is now asking the community for feedback on the proposed Planning Scheme Amendment which will apply the Parking Overlay to the business area of the Pakenham Activity Centre.
Submissions must be made in writing and submitted to Council by 5pm, Tuesday 6 November 2018.
For more information about proposed Planning Scheme Amendment C244, visit Council’s website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay or call 1300 787 624.