Change to Neighbourhood Safer Place – Bushfire Place of Last Resort for the Emerald community

Published: 19 November 2018

The Country Fire Authority (CFA)-declared Fire Danger Period (FDP) for Cardinia Shire started on Monday 19 November 2018 and will remain in force until 1am on 1 May 2019, unless revoked earlier.

This Fire Danger Period will see a change to the Neighbourhood Safer Place – Bushfire Place of Last Resort (NSP - BPLR) for the Emerald community. Pepi’s Land on Beaconsfield-Emerald Road, Emerald will be NSP-BPLR; instead of the oval at Worrell Recreation Reserve.

Due to ongoing oval improvement, upgrade works and construction projects throughout the community reserve, which may limit access to the oval and surrounds, Worrell Reserve was deemed to be not suitable as a place of last resort for the coming summer months.

Cardinia Shire Council Acting General Manager Community Wellbeing Kristen Jackson says “Council has worked closely with the CFA and the Municipal Fire Management Planning Sub-Committee to declare an alternative NSP-BPLR for the Emerald community.”

“We advise the Emerald community of the change in location for the Bushfire Place of Last Resort, and emphasise the importance of developing and updating personal bushfire plans.

“The important message is: bushfire places of last resort in any township are a ‘last’ resort, and should not be part of your bushfire plan – rather – plan ahead, be prepared and leave early where possible,” said Ms Jackson.

CFA Manager Community Safety, North East Region - Tammy Garrett said “the safest place to be is out of high-risk bushfire areas on days of increased fire danger.”

“We encourage the community to ensure that they have a bushfire survival plan, and that their plans are updated every season.”

“The key is planning ahead, and we encourage everyone to read CFA’s Fire Ready Kit to help understand your risks and prepare your household's plans.”

“Everyone should have a bushfire survival plan and should practise it. It is also critical that people have a backup plan should their primary plan fail,” Ms Garrett said.  

Community drop-in sessions will be held in Emerald in the coming weeks, to provide the community with an opportunity to learn more about the change of NSP-BPLR location and to discuss the importance of bushfire planning and preparation.

The Pepi’s Land Neighbourhood Safer Place – Bushfire Place of Last Resort (NSP - BPLR) is located at the carpark and netball courts at 16 Beaconsfield–Emerald Road, Emerald.

For more information on the community events and about NSP-BLRs in Cardinia Shire go to

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